A Chat With Dumbledore

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October fell in and the only thing that Hailey was excited about was Halloween. She didn't give a damn about the magic sport called Quidditch. 

Harry: Alright. So, pretty much everyone made the team- except McLaggen. 

Hermione: Good.

Everyone looked at her. 

Hermione: I hate him.

Ginny: Alright...so what now Harry?

Harry: Now we need to figure out a good day for practice.

Hailey: How about tomorrow?

Harry: Eh. Why not-

Hailey: Good. Problem solved. 

Since it was a weekend, Hailey decided to walk around and explore the school a bit. She walked past a girls' bathroom but then stopped. She heard the voice of a 16 year old BOY-

?: Myrtle...I know you're here- Ugh.

Hailey heard footsteps and it kinda sounded like the boy was pacing. She barged in.

Hailey: You're weird- 

The boy turned around and Hailey recognized him. It was Malfoy.

Draco: What are you doing here?!

Hailey: I could ask you the same question.

They both stared at each other suspiciously.

Draco: I'm just waiting for someone. Now what are you doing here?

Hailey: I just happened to walk by and hear a boy in a girls' bathroom. Oh wait- She looked at him with sarcasm.

Draco: Shut up.

Hailey chuckled.

Hailey: So...who's Myrtle? Your girlfriend?

Malfoy's face curled with disgust.

Draco: No!

Hailey: Who's Myrtle then?

Draco: None of your business!

Suddenly, a girl with pigtails and round glasses flew from the mirror. 

Myrtle: Sorry I'm late. 

Her voice was sort of a faint whisper.

Draco: It's fine I guess..

Hailey: She looked at her with great interest and curiosity. Woah!

Myrtle: Hi!! You must be Hailey. 

Hailey: How'd you know-?

Myrtle: Isn't it obvious? Everyone talks about you. Because you're Harry Potter's twin sister. Even Draco's been telling me about you...

Draco: What?! No I have not!

Myrtle: Liar. 

Hailey: She laughed. Aww!

Draco: Shut up or I'll hex you.

Hailey: She pulled out her wand. Try me.

Draco: You don't know any hexes-

Hailey: But I can still shove it down your throat.

Myrtle laughed in kind of an insane way. Malfoy laughed nervously.

Draco: Oh- you're serious-

Hailey: Of course I'm serious!

Draco: So..can you leave now-?

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