VT- Pɾσʅσɠυҽ

11 1 7

A NightWing swept the large steppe with dark blue eyes, talons flexing at the smallest of sounds. The grass rippled beneath them like waves of green, the occasional flower patches here and there.

"Halt in the name of Queen Maelstrom!"

The NightWing spun around, meeting the gaze of multiple NightWings. "You already know you are banished, therefore you aren't able to hunt on Night Island."

The NightWing winced, their tail lashing in the cold night air. "Greatroar, please don't tell me you...you forgot." The main NightWing, dark gray with purple eyes and lilac underbelly furrowed his brow, "That was the past, Validity, this is now." They sighed, closing their eyes and pressing two claws to the area in between their eyes. "I didn't want to hurt you." Greatroar said softly, "But," he lunged forward, grabbing Validity's neck.

"It appears to be non-negotiable."

_time skip_

Claws scraped against cold stone, tails made a soft hissing noise as they dragged across pavement. The smell of smoke and fire filled Validity's nostrils. They sighed, "I get it, the NightWings are known for their prison, but could you please make this place more habitable? I don't think I should have a life sentence if I'm dead by day five."

The dark green NightWings dragging their chains stopped abruptly. Turning, Validity looked at the rows of cells to their right and torture chambers to the left. "Like, seriously, this place is worst than the last time I toured it."

Greatroar hissed, grabbing the chains from the two green NightWings and throwing them into a cell. "Stay." "I'm not a dog." They hissed, "But you will love me," he sneered, "Maelstrom will come down here herself if you don't marry her son, me."

Validity hissed. "Now, drop the 'they/them' act. You are a dragoness. Act like it or we will throw you in the torture chambers." Validity winced, but snarled. "No."

"Yes." Greatroar protested.




Validity had an idea, "Yes." They said simply, and as predicted Greatroar replied.

"No- wait- yes- no- yes?! WHAT?!" He said, then roared in confusion. "Ugh- whatever..." he left. And the other guards as well as a smaller NightWing in their cell came inside, laying down around them.

"You said to Prince Greatroar-" Validity winced, "Don't forget the past? I remember...I'm not much older than you, I'm only 9." Shocked faces met their reply. "I remember it all like it was yesterday...which in a way, it was."

"Here is my story."

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