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Apparently dummy one and dummy two thought it be wise to open their bottle suckers on Felix and me.

We had just walked into the Cullens's place when Eddy dumb-opened his trap.

"must you two be so disgusting,"  he says

"must you be such a dame pathetic virgin you dont know when to keep your nose on your face and out of mine and my fiance's business" I replied

he just looked at me.

"you was one too" he says

"No I wasn't a stupid nosy virgin Eddy dumb. I was the type to keep my nose where it belonged and not stick it where it can get fixed permently" I say

"no one is big enough to harm me" Eddy dumb says

Felix stood before me.

"we both know that I'm big enough to harm you" Felix says

"you cant harm him" Isa-dumb says

"on the contrary I can. and if he doesn't keep that noses of his on his face and outta of mine and My fiancee business I'll fix it for him and the cullens will be without a family member" Felix tells her

"I wont let you" she says standing before Felix.

I moved around and stood before Felix.

"you a weak and pathetic excuse for a human. if Felix was to go against Eddy dumb. and you stood in the way he'd have no problem flinging your sorry ass across the room if not snap you like a glow stick" I tell her

she glared at me.

"I dare you to try what your thinking cause I'm about to floor your ass so damn hard Esme will have to redo the flooring cause I'll send your right through it." I tell her

 she when to lay hands and burnt her self on me.

"you burned me" she claims

"thank you the obvious has escaped me" I replied

Eddy dumb tended to Isa-dumb while Felix and I went together our things before loading them in my car.

"you're leaving already?" Rosa asked

"if I don't Charlie is gonna be missing his offspring dipshit. and Carlisle as well as Esme will be missing a coven member. besides, I've graduated and the high school can send my diploma to me. no need for me to walk that stage again" I replied

"I'll miss you," she says

"I'll miss a great majority of you all two" I assured her as we hugged.

"don't lose touch," she says

"I won't. and you make sure you don't let anyone control you. if so I'm positive the Volturi would love for you and Em to come and join. you could aid Hedi in luring food while Em would be like Felix and be the muscle" I tell her

"we'll think about it," she says

I kissed her cheek before I told the others that I cared about bye after hugging them.

Once everything was taken care of and loaded up Felix and I headed off to the airport.

Felix's and my flight was roughly eight hours and that whole time we spent making love.

"Will you actually marry me?" Felix asked

"of course," I tell him

"I'll buy you a very beautiful ring once we touch down in Italy," he says

"nothing fact or expensive, please. I'm not into regular or unique things. nothing that would cost you a huge majority of your money" I tell him

"alright" he says

We made love a couple more times before we got cleaned up and dressed ready to walk off the plane.

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