The Pinacolada By M.F

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12:00 in the morning on a weekends night, what could go wrong? (That's cringe, i swear i wish i knew how to start this, but it's 2 am at the moment.)

I was walking around in a party with a friend of mine, i wish i knew his name. He was blonde and tall, he looked like Aaron Warner. it felt like a fever dream, why would a guy like him accompany to party? Not any party, but a party that's hosted by a drunk teenage boy. It's quite baffling, i am in a high school party with.. him. Whoever he is.

The irony of it all is that he looked like a typical American boy in the summer. Messy blonde hair and the perfect summer shirt with matching shorts, which is highly surprising knowing that he has an elegant style and wardrobe.

I decided to drag him along to the kitchen, i looked around to find... my friends? I don't know what i am looking for. Suddenly, as I looked beside me, I noticed that my 'friend' was no longer there. Instead, I found Chris walking towards me. Uncontrollably, I held his arm close in order to walk with him, afraid to lose him out of sight just like my friend not a few minutes ago. He smiled at me, he knew i was troubled. I'm a little lost if I have to admit, no one here is recognizable, no one except him.

"Let's go grab a few drinks," I said to him.
He nodded as he glimpsed at my hand wrapped around his arm, he wondered what has happened before he came along, but he didn't want to bother audibly questioning it. Everything tonight feels strange, but it goes away for a second when i am closer to him. Nothing creepy, it's just so relieving to see him here, and I truly like him as a friend.

Before we walked to the living room, his two brothers entered the kitchen. Matt had his arms crossed while Nick was excited to see his friends. Nevertheless, their gaze had changed and started to follow our steps the second we get closer to them. Not a word spoken, it was a little awkward. I glimpsed at Chris, he was simply just glaring at them. I couldn't understand why, is it something they did? Nick wasn't even paying attention and Matt was simply unphased.

I decided to break the tension by tugging into his sleeve, trying to snap Chris back into reality. He finally looked at me, "is that the living room?" He pointed at the room in front of us and held my hand tight, causing me to leg go of his arm. He led me into the room, it felt like he was pacing more than walking. There was a huge table filled with drinks and cocktails. I skimmed the table with my eyes, trying to find something i would like to drink. I felt a spark of joy in my heart as soon as I saw cups and bowls of pinacoladas. Normal people would've wondered why some of them were in bowls, but i assumed it was for the party's ambiance. Chris grabbed a glass filled to the top with pinacolada while I grabbed a bowl, I was still holding onto his arm so it was tricky to walk while holding a bowl with one hand.

He chuckled, "out of all the cups, you decided to grab a bowl?" He took the bowl from my hand and gave me a cup, "see? This way you won't break anything." He smiled softly, it was nice to have him around. I don't know what went through my mind to grab a bowl instead of a cup, although it's nothing too weird. Drinking something out of a bowl is just like drinking the milk out of cereal once you finish eating.

After we drank and enjoyed our time, we simply went back home. To this day, i don't know who was the blonde boy or why Chris was aggravated towards his brothers. The night is a dream, a weird one.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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