Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning and I heard a knock on my door. I got out of bed, walked to the door and I carefully opened my door. A delivery girl was handing out something. She handed me a wooden note and she said that everyone is getting their names today. I smiled and she left for the next person I looked at the wooden note and my name was Zada. I loved that name I wasn't sure why it fits me so well.

I went to the field where I found that book and I did research on my name and what it means. I turned so many pages until I found my name appeared on the page. It said "The name Zada means prosperous and fortunate" I wondered what the word fortunate meant. I thought maybe something good happens like a lucky charm. I returned to the village and continued walking around and wondering what else this planet has.

I went to the beach; the coral sand was warm and the ocean waves were claiming. I looked at the ocean water it was fresh water and it was clear. I could see everything in the water and it was beautiful. I put my feet in the water it was warm and I could feel the sand under my feet. I looked over and it was the hole I saw where the hogweed turtle was digging. I got up and looked over and I saw pink and red eggs. The hogweed turtle was a female and she was laying her eggs.

I returned to the village and I went to get some clothing so I could change. I went to the cherry clothing shop and it had dresses and other clothing. I went to get some clothes and went home and got changed for the day. I looked in the jelly mirror and I looked at the outfit I was wearing and I loved them a lot.

I went back outside and I looked around and there were markets and fields. The air was easy to breathe in and everyone was very kind. I think that's the word to describe someone nice. I did a bit of research about what to say and what words meant. So I could understand others and the planet. The planet is in the mega verse and when the meteor shower comes again we can see the space our planet lives in. There were plants and they had their field except for the flower we were born from that's now extinct. 

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