The Clock

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A light peered through the darkness onto Yoake's face,

awakening her from her slumber. She moaned and groaned but ultimately, she had to get up. Today was her birthday. She wasn't terribly fond of her birthdays, she always felt bad for the people around her. Yoake rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and got up. The sun was shinning, but for the sun to shine on Yoake's birthday was no ordinary trait. It always rained. She smiled before going to bath in her connected-bathroom. Her maid, Abigale, had been late that day and Yoake had to run her own bath. It didn't bother her though-It was her birthday. She ran her bath the way she remembered, lukewarm and got in. Her maid had usually washed her back for her, but one day not washing her back couldn't hurt she thought. Abigale had a kind heart and often sat with Yoake to read or play house games-often getting herself in trouble because of it.


After bathing, she picked out a long back dress with a light blue blouse. She was going to wear her flower headband today but her mother had forgotten to repair a tear in it, it didn't bother her though-It was her birthday. Yoake went down to the dining hall, however no meal had been made for her. She went into the family kitchen to check if any cooks were in.

"Hello young Yoake," The female cook said upon Yoake entering the kitchen. "How can I help you? You know little girls aren't supposed to be back here!"

"My maid is late today and I was hoping for a good breakfast, if you would not mind." The cook just frowned at Yoake's comment.

"My dear, I do not have the time to ingest your requests, you'll just have to wait for your maid to get here." Yoake wasn't bothered by this though-It was her birthday.

Yoake just smiled and left the kitchen. Her mother always told her to eat only when she absolutely had to, so maybe this was for the best.


Thinking of her Mother, Yoake realised that her mother was not going to be here this year. She was at a horse race with her brother. Maybe she should go try and wake her father up? Her father was usually up early to tend to paperwork in his office, so maybe she would perform her womanly duties and wish her father a good morning.

Today however, her father's office was empty. Just a dark room with piles of paperwork towering above the stacked bookshelves.

'Could father still be asleep?' Yoake thought.

It would be rather strange for her father to still be asleep, it must have been a tardy 8 already! So Yoake walked the halls to her parents room. From both sides of the hallways, the paintings staring her down with disappointment in their eyes. Upon approaching her parents room, she began to hear stuffed groaning and aggravated breathing.

Yoake approached the door and began opening it slowly.

"Papa?" Yoake whispered, however when the door reached halfway, it stopped mid-creak. Yoake stared down her parents bed. Abigale laid down face first in the bed crying with Yoake's father on top of her groaning. Yoake stood frozen as Abigale continued to cry, engraving the sound inside her mind. Yoake felt the ground below her evaporate and she began falling up. But before she fell, she came back down and slowly closed the door.

Yoake kept her head high and walked back down the stairs to the dining hall. She sat down and stared forward. She was alone and the silence made her ears turn inside out, proving that.

But it was okay.

It was her birthday.

Yoake sat there ignoring the time passing her, gnawing at her stomach. The cook came out with piles of utensils and napkins on a wooden cart.

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