Secret's Out

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((Uncle/niece, smutt, step family, modern AU, caught

Rhaenyra and her Step Uncle have been having a secret affair for almost two years. Daemon is married to a stuck up arristocrat he hates, Rhaea, and Rhaenyra is married to a gay man, Laenor, so the two find it easy to be with each other. the two vacation together but what happens when a certain guest shows up two days early for the family reunion???))

"Gods, Rhaenyra, you look so beautiful." Daemon says, watching Rhaenyra laying on a float in the large inground pool at there family's summer summer manor. 

Rhaenyra peaks over her sunglasses at the man standing by the pool. "I was thinking about cooling off. Care to join?"

"I haven't changed into my shorts yet." He smiles at the girl before rolling off the float into the water and swiming to the ledge. 

"Come now, Uncle, doesn't seem like you to make excuses when presented with the oportunity to swim with your favorite niece." The woman teases looking up at Daemon. 

Daemon smiles and starts stripping.  "Now how could I turn that smile down." he says, jummping over Rhaenyra into the water in only his boxers. "How has my favorite little dragon been holding up?"

"Do we have to talk, Daemon? I can think of much better things for you to do with that mouth." Rhaenyra teases moving into Daemon's strong arms.

"I would like to talk. It's been months, Rhaenyra. I miss more than just sex. If that was all I wanted, I could pay for it." Daemon explains earning a sigh from Rhaenyra.

"Fine. My marriage sucks. Laenor keeps bringing random men to the house like I don't have feelings while I have to wait months to get dick. Mom and Viserys cannot stop begging for a grandchild like I am just a factory they can call up and order a custom design. You refuse to take my calls unless you are piss drunk and 'working late' and trying to see you is more impossible even though your place is 27 minutes away from mine. Oh, and on top of it all, I only get two days alone with you before the rest of the damn family comes up and then it's what two more months before our hunting trip?" Rhaenyra rants pulling away from the man. "Glad we had this chat, Uncle." She says raising out of the pool and grabbing a towel as she heads toward the manor.

Daemon runs after her tackling her in the grass before kissing her passionately. "I miss you everyday. It is risky for us to talk and see each other, but if it is what you want, I will try harder."

"That would be nice." Rhaenyra says giggling and looking into Daemons violet eyes. "So, what ever should we do while we wait for the reunion?"

Daemon smiles. "This." He says before kissing the girl passionately and pulling her body to push against his.

Daemon moves ontop of Rhaenyra and grinds his hips against hers. "Ya hiding something in your shorts or just happy to see me?" Rhaenyra jests running her hands down Daemon's chest.

"Definitely happy to see you. I didn't think it was possible but you look even better now than you did last time I saw you." Daemon says before kissing down the girls body.

"Well, that may be because it's just the two of us and I am not pasting on a fake smile while I sit by my husband." Rhaenyra says shifting under Daemon's touch.

"That might be it. You know how you'd look even better?" Daemon asks moving back up the girls body.

Rhaenyra let's out a little moan. "Oh yeah? How's that?"

Daemon looks up at the girl with a big grin. "On top of me."

Rhaenyra sits up and kisses the man gently. "I think that can be arranged." She says pushing Daemon to the ground and climbing ontop of him.

Rhaenyra grinds against Daemon as they kiss and pull at each other. Before long, Rhaenyra pulls Daemon's shorts down revealing his hard on. She pulls her swim bottoms to the side and slides herself down onto Daemon slowly while moaning.

She rides him at a moderate pace leaning back and letting Daemon's hand roam her body.

On the other side of the property, Viserys pulls into the drive way with the party planner and the two start touring the manor and making the plans.

When the two make there way outside Viserys stops in his tracks. He sees his Stepdaughter and his brother coupling right there on the grass.

He wants to scream but no words come out. Then Rhaenyra and Daemon both let out loud sounds and topple over.

"What in the seven hells do you think you are doing?" Viserys yells after sending the planner away.

Rhaenyra jumps up and fixes her swimsuit to cover all the parts that had been exposed. "Why are you here? No one was supposed to be here for two more days!" Rhaenyra counters.

"Someone had to plan the reunion! You are both married! What do you think you are doing? You are family! What if Laenor found out? Or Rhaea? This family does not need that level of messy scandel especially now! Oh gods what of your mother finds out." Viserys spirals as the pair stand next to each other.

"Laenor and Rhaea know about the affair. Laenor could not care less seeing as he gets more dick than I do. And Rhaea gets the life style and credit cards she loves and much like Laenor plenty of cock. Mom has had her suspicions for awhile and honestly I don't think she'd be surprised. I love Daemon. You just need to get over it." Rhaenyra goes off.

"We are also only related by marriage so not against any laws." Daemon says pausing to look at Rhaenyrs. "And I love her too." He says grabbing her hand causing her to look up at him.

"This is wrong." Viserys states in shock.

Rhaenyra looks back at the man full of anger. "Well get used to it. We have been seeing each other and it's about time the secret came out. I am three months pregnant and when this kid pops out looking like Daemon now you won't be so suprised."

"Seven hells." Viserys says.

Daemon moves infront of Rhaenyra and grabs her hands. "You're pregnant? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was going to tonight. Had a whole thing planned. But, yes we're pregnant." She says and Daemon cannot help it he leans down and kisses the girl hearing Viserys mumbling profanities behind him.

The two come out to there immediate family and explain there intent to stay married to there spouses. Laenor and Rhaea express their support and the two explain their plans for the future. Overall the reaction is fine. The two continue the afair for another year before the media gets wind of it and all hell breacks loose. Once that blows over, the two finally get married after Rhaea leaves Daemon for another rich guy and Laenor passes after a car accident. 

DaemonTargeryan/Reanyra Targeryan One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now