Chapter One

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HEY Reader! XOXO

Welcome to the white wolf! 

Please stick around till the end of the book; this is the first one I completely finished and posted for people to read!  

Emily Collier noticed the wolf sitting at the edge of the woods, its bright blue eyes fixed on her. Though it was just observing her, she couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy. However, there was no sense of malice in its gaze, and she didn't believe it meant her any harm.

She tightened her grip on her backpack and quickened her pace toward the house. She kept a watchful eye on the wolf, just in case it decided to move.

"Mom," she called as she entered the house. "The wolf is back!" She tossed her bag onto the dining table and searched for her mother.

When she walked into the kitchen entryway, she found her mother. Her mother was wearing an apron with dark brown hair tied up in a neat bun, holding a hand towel.

"Emily, you're 17. You're too old to be making up stories," she sighed. "Now, please wash up. Dinner is almost ready, and your dad will be home soon." She turned around and returned to the kitchen, adding, "Please take your bag to your room."

From her second-story room, she had a clear view of the woods. She noticed that the wolf was no longer there, and it always Vanished shortly after she spotted it. Could it all have been just in her imagination? No, it felt too vivid and genuine to be a mere figment of her imagination.

During dinner, Emily told her father she had seen the wolf again. However, her dad was skeptical and replied, "Emily, we scoured the area. There is no possibility of wolves living here." He seemed exhausted, as if he was tired of her teenage lies.

Feeling defeated, Emily sighed and remained silent throughout the dinner. She couldn't understand why her parents didn't believe her, especially since she had never lied.

At bedtime, Emily looked in the mirror; her blue eyes stared back at her, giving away her sadness over her parents not believing her. Her brown hair was still pulled back in a tight ponytail she had put in earlier; She took the band off her hair and allowed her untamed curls to frame her face. After a deep breath, Emily combed through her locks with a wide-tooth comb and then braided her hair before securing it. Finished with her hair, she slid her art book out of her backpack and opened it to a blank page. Grabbing a pencil, she began to draw the wolf.

* * *

The next day was Friday, and then she would have the whole weekend to try to find the wolf. It had to be out there somewhere. It was always sitting at the edge of the woods when she got home from school, so she assumed it lived in the forest.

The day seemed to drag on for her, consumed by thoughts of the white wolf. Where could it be? Where did it come from? What was its purpose? Why did it give her an uneasy feeling? Despite being just an animal, it left her with unanswered questions. Suddenly, she was startled as someone grabbed her arm, causing her to drop her books. Upon turning to see who it was, she saw her best friend, Ashley.

Emily hissed, "Are you trying to give me a heart attack at only 17?!" as she gathered her scattered books from the floor. Ashley giggled and replied, "If you had paid more attention to your surroundings, you would have heard me calling you while I ran down the hall toward you!" She flipped her blonde braid behind her back, her green eyes sparkling with humor toward her friend.

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