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Mike's POV

Mike was very nervous about convincing to Will.

As Mike biked to Wills house. Will still had his arms tightly around Mike's waist.

They arrived at Wills house and Will jumped off the bike before Mike stopped.

Mike got scared at this action of Will thinking he fell off.

"Oh my god are you okay?" Mike asked as quickly as he got off his bike.

"Yeah? Why?" Will asked confused

"Didn't you fall off?" Mike now asked confused.

Will chuckled. "No I jumped off before you stopped" Mike smiled.

"Oh yeah, I'm stupid." Mike exclaimed.

"No you're not you were just making sure I was okay. That's not stupid." Will said smiling too.

"Yeah right, uhh, we should go inside now" Mike nervously said.

"Yeah right"

They walked inside and put there jackets on the clothing rack.

They walked up the stairs Will walking first and Mike nervously behind looking everywhere and nowhere.

They went in Wills room and mike closed the door behind him and went to sit on the desk chair while Will was sitting on his bed.

"Hey uhh Will, I have something important to tell you" Mike said nervously.

"Yeah sure what is it?" Will sounded very excited over this.

"I don't really know how to say this" Mike said while looking down.

Third person

Will stood up from the bed an walked over to Mike.

"Hey it's okay don't worry" Will said in a low tone while rubbing both his hands on Mike's upper arms.

"Before I say this, I don't want you to think that I'm stupid or anything like that. I don't want things to change in a bad way." Mike said in an unsure tone.

"Things are not gonna change in a bad way, Mike. Never." Will said in a calm tone.

It was silent for a bit.

Mike decided to change the way to say it which left Will quite confused.

"How do you tell someone you like them?" Mike randomly asked.

Will removed his hands of Mike and went to sit on the ground in indian style so Mike would look at him.

"Just be yourself that's 1. Make sure you're alone with that person" Will said like a genius.

"But what if I can't say it with words. Because I know I'll stutter and fuck up everything." Mike says at the speed of light.

"Show them you like them. I don't know how but there's a way but I don't know if you wanna do that.." Will said unsure of actually saying his idea.

"What kind of way did you have in mind?" Mike said looking straight in Wills eyes.

Will started becoming nervous.

"Uhh.. like- like you- uhm, kinda, kiss them." Will said nervously.

Mike's eyes light up at the idea and started blushing.

"But in what kind of situation would that be a good timing?" Mike asked genuinely confused.

"Maybe like imagine you guys are maybe both sitting on the bed staring in eachothers eyes for like forever. Just lean in I guess and.. yeah I think that way" Will said while being in this situation with Mike many times.

"Oh yeah that's a good idea, thank you Will." Mike smiled at Will standing up leaving his hand out for Will to help him up.

"No worries" Will said with a smile on his face too, accepting his hand standing up.

"So what do you wanna do now?" Will asked.

"We could play a game like maybe cards?" Mike asked planning the whole day in his head.

Also the kiss.

"Alright then" Will walked out of the room leaving Mike behind to grab his cards downstairs.

They layed in the kitchen somehow. But Will found them immediately.

Mike was still in his room waiting. He was smiling from ear to ear thinking about when and where he's gonna do the kiss.

Will walked up the stairs again opening his door. Mike now sitting on his bed waiting for Will.

"Okay let's get started" Will said excitingly.

"Yes" Mike simply answered.

They played for around an hour.

"HA I WON AGAIN" Will shouted.

"How are you so good at a simple card game?" Mike asked annoyed.

"I don't know. I played with Jonathan a lot." Will said being genuine.

"Makes sense" Mike said.

Mike was done playing thinking this was the perfect chance.

"We should go to castle Byers." Mike said excitingly.

"Aren't we a bit too old for that" Will said confused.

"What, no ofcourse not." Mike said.

"Okay let's go then" Will answered happily.

They went downstairs and grabbed their jacket.

They went outside around the house and walked into the forest.

After 5 minutes of walking they arrived.

"Maybe we are a bit to big for this." Will chuckled looking at the height of castle Byers.

"Yeah, but I dont care" Mike said walking towards castle Byers walking inside.

Will chuckled walking behind.

"Wow Will I didnt expect it to be like this." Mike said surprisingly.

"Yeah I know"

Mike only knew about castle Byers because Will talked about it a lot when they were younger.

Mike has never been in castle Byers before.

He was amazed by all the drawings and pictures of Will and his friends.

There were more pictures of him with Mike then with Will and the whole party.

"This is amazing why didn't we think about doing this earlier?" Mike said smiling at the pictures.

"I don't know" Will chuckled while being a bit embarrassed at all the paintings and pictures.

Will went to sit on a pillow in one of the corners and Mike in the other corner.

There wasn't really any distance between them.

There knees were touching because of the small distance between them.

"So.." Will begun.

"So.." Mike repeated.

They both sat there in a comfortable silence.

They stared at eachothers eyes for a long while.

Both being lost in eachothers eyes searching for answers what is gonna happen


CLIFFHANGER!! Okay one thing is for sure. I'm gonna be embarrassed so much in the next chapter because my both irl and online bestfriends are both reading this story. Aka 3ditssfyou and FreddiRoel. So yeah. I'm still hoping you guys are enjoying this. And thank you so much for the 45 reads and #307 on Byler. Heading to the next chapter. Bye bye!

Word count: 1064

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