chapter 5 "TS-19"

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Kathryns pov

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Kathryns pov

"Daryl you and Kathryn cover the back." Shane said as we all walked in.

"Hello."ricked called.

"Close those doors watch for walkers."Dale said. I heard a gun cock. I turned quickly my bow raised.

"Anybody infected."the man asked

"One of our group was he didn't make it."Rick answered. I thought of Jim but I had no ideas why Rick told him.

"Why are you here what do you want."the man asked

"A chance."Rick said.

"That's asking a a lot these days."the man replied

"I know".Rick tilted his head. There was a awkward silence.

"You all will submit to a blood test, that's the price of admission."the man looked around.

"We can do that."Rick answered for all of us.

"You got stuff to bring in you do it now, once those doors close they stay closed."the man said.

"Kathryn you cover us Daryl you get her bag."Shane spoke.Once all the men were in we closed the doors. The doctor put a code in on the key pad.

"Vi seal the mane entrance and kill the power up here."the doctor spoke into the device.

"Rick grimes."he introduced him self

"Kathryn jadence"I did as well

"Doctor edwin Jenner."Jenner looked around.

It was probably the most awkward position I've ever been in. We were all cramped in the elevator. Maybe the only other person that was as uncomfortable as I am is Daryl.

"Doctors always go around packing heat like that."Daryl asked.

"There were plenty lying around. I familiarized myself."Jenner spoke. "But you look harmless enough.except you,"he looked at Carl. "I'll have to keep my eye on you." The elevator stoped and I couldn't wait to get out. We all walked into a hallway.

"Are we underground." Carol asked.

"Are you claustrophobic."the doctor asked her.

"A little"

"Try not to think about it"

"Vi, bring up the lights in the big room"the doctor said. "Welcome to zone 5"

"Where is everybody." Rick asked. "The other doctors, the staff."?

"I'm it, "Jenner answered, "it's just me here."

"What about the person you were speaking with vi."Lori asked.

"Vi, say hello to our guests tell them welcome."he spoke.

"Hello, guests, welcome." The automatic voice welcomed us.

"I'm all that's left."he said. But I'm not really surprised with most of the people worked here they had families that they needed to get back to.

"I'm sorry."Jenner apologized.

We walked back down a hallway. Jenner lead us to a room. He informed up this is where we had to get our blood taken. The kids weren't thrilled for it. Sofia got a little upset but Carl did ok. Andrea was getting hers next.

"What's the point.? If we were all infected we'd all be running a fever."Andrea spoke

"I've already broken every rule in the book letting you in here. Let me just at least be thorough." Jenner explained. "All done". Andrea got up and stumbled a little. "Are you ok."

"She hasn't eaten in days, none of us have." Jacqui inform him.

We were all sitting around a table drinking and laughing. I think this is one of the few times I've laughed since it all started.

"You know in Italy children have a little bit of wine with dinner and in France." Dale informed Lori

"We'll when Carl is in Italy or France he can have some then." Lori argued

Well guys it has been a good month and I only have s1 done I am very sorry but I'm going to discontinue this. Again I'm very sorry but I might reopen it but I'm not going to say but I might I will have to see in the future but I didn't want to finish this episode so there was like half of it.

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