Chapter Five: Thinking Out Loud

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After another long choir rehearsal, I figured it would be a good idea to call Kirstie. She would be coming to visit Scott and me in a few days and we needed to lock down where she was staying. I walked home again, avoiding the hospital and taking the long way, to avoid bumping into the blight on my existence. Along the way I found a quaint little old-fashioned candy shop. The inside was covered in bright colors and buckets of candy from wall to wall. It was a masterpiece. Even though I didn't plan on buying anything, I ended up leaving with a batch of gummy bears and some licorice. I got to my apartment and sat down in my office, looking out my window towards my neighbor's window. I noticed a small ledge leading from my apartment touching a ledge on his. If I knew who they were, we could visit each other through our windows. I noticed I could just barely see into my neighbor's bedroom. They had this white bed set and black pillows, very boring.

My laptop starting ringing, which most people would probably be concerned about, but I knew it was Kirstie.

"Hey, Kirstin."

"Avi! How are you?"

"I'm great! I finished getting all my room stuff unpacked. Did you pick where you're going to stay?"

She looked up and took a deep breath. "Could I room with you?"

"Sure! You know I don't mind. We could cuddle, if you want."

"Please! You're the best cuddler ever!"

I laughed and playfully covered my webcam with my hand. I noticed someone walk past my neighbor's window and looked up just in time to see this fit black man standing with his ass to me. He took off his towel and tossed it away revealing the sexy curvature of his physique. He was beautiful!

"Avi? You're gaping. You alright?"

"Huh? Right! So you're staying here?"

"I was talking about Mitch, but okay. Yeah."

I laughed nervously and pulled my hair back with my hands. I had just started growing it long and everyone hated it, but I was gonna be sexy! Speaking of sexy. My neighbor was standing when he started to turn around and... oh good lord. That looks like a fun night all around.

"What?" Kirstie said with a giggle

I said that out loud. "Shit, I'm so sorry!"

"Avi. What's going on?"

"My... My neighbor doesn't close his curtains all the way and... I think he just got out of the shower..."

"You creeper! Wait, is he flashing you?"

"Kind of. I don't think he knows I can see him... He has such a nice ass..."


"And a huge di-"


"Oh, you talked to Mitch today."

"I hate you."

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