Dark Alleyways

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"Speak softly my Love" he whispered in her ear.

She turned around drunkenly in the dark alley to meet his eyes. His eyes were like a never ending bottle of creme de menthe. A crisp green, that filled you with such an insatiable feeling of wanting more.

"Who are you?" she mumbled

"You shouldn't be out here all alone"

"You didn't answer my question"

"Where do you live? I can walk you there."

"You can't tell me your name and I'm supposed to tell you where I live?"

"Yes" he replies with a smile

His smile is devious. But there's something about him that is so captivating. Everything in my body, is telling me to tell him to fuck off. But that smile. That sultry smile. I give in.

"I live two blocks away" she involuntarily says

"See? That wasn't hard now was it?"

"You have to tell me your name before I let you walk with me"

"Adonis, now what is yours"

"It's a secret" she whispers

She leads the way to her tiny studio apartment, with Adonis trailing behind her. They go up two flights of stairs. She pulls her keys out of her purse and opens her door. She feels him behind her. His intoxicating eyes lay on her back.

"Do you wanna come in?" she asks Adonis

"Are you sure Love?"

"Don't make me change my mind"

She pauses for a second

"Did you hear me, Adonis?"

There was something about the way she said his name. Adonis. It was something he had never heard before. He always hated his name. But the way she said it made him hate it a bit less. The way her perfect pink lips moved, and the way seductive eyes looked at him. There was something about it. There was something about her.

"Alright, I'll come in"

"Now, was that so hard?" she joked

No, it was too easy to say yes. That's what worried him. Adonis was used to being in control. He knew he had a certain effect on women. And though he'll never admit it, he will always use that to his own advantage. There was something off when he met her 5 minutes ago. The second he looked into her eyes, he felt as if he lost control.

Adonis and her walked inside her apartment. Her living room/kitchen/dining room was painted a bright red color. Red is a very bold choice, Adonis thinks to himself. Her table is cluttered with books that range from 'Lord of the Flies' to 'The Notebook'. Her couch is a cheap, black, ikea sofa bed. The floors are glossy cherry wood panels, with a white faux fur rug underneath the cluttered table.

"You want a drink" she asked Adonis


"I have wine, or Taaka vodka"

"I'll go with the wine"

"Why? You don't like the taste of rubbing alcohol?" she laughed

"Not on this particular occasion" Adonis says as he walks into the tiny kitchen

Her counters were a white tile, with a rusting metal sink. A pink retro fridge was fitted perfectly into a corner, with a matching blush microwave on the side of it. In the middle was a small island with cabinets underneath. Cabinets that contained the wine, and Taaka Vodka. She pulls out both, along with one shot glass, and one wine glass. She pours the Sutter Homes moscato into the glass for Adonis. Then she pours her a shot of the vodka, and downs it. Something about the way she didn't flinch scared Adonis.

"Will I ever learn your name?" Adonis breaks the silence

"Be nice, and I'll think about it"

"I have been a delight, I walked you home and now I'm having a drink with you"

"You whispered into a drunk woman's ear then wouldn't leave her alone until you got what you wanted"

"I don't recall you refusing me once"

He was right. She never told him off. All she did was ask him his name, and that was it. The fact that he was right got under her skin. She liked being in control. So, she took another shot.

"You don't wanna slow down love?" Adonis asked

"What are you doing in Louisiana with that accent?"

"I came here to study at Tulane"

"New Orleans is very different from the UK I assume"

"You assume correct" Adonis smiled


"Excuse me?"

"My name is Diana"

Diana fitted her. Her eyes were a dark blue, and her hair was wavy and blue-black. She is tall with curves. Her collar bones were prominent, with a feather tattoo on top of each one. She wore her hair in a messy bun with thick round glasses. She wore a pair of ripped jeans, with fishnets underneath. Her shirt was cropped, red and baggy with black and white striped sleeves. It was safe to say she had a bookish vibe, by the way she looked. But the way she so easily downed that shot of vodka, there was something mysterious about her. She was enticing, impossible to read, and that scared Adonis. There was something about her that Adonis knew she wasn't good for him. But for some reason, he felt he had to find out what that something was. Diana looked at Adonis. It was that look again, and that devious little smirk. She knew she was in control, and Adonis was scared about how much he liked it.

Diana poured adonis another glass of wine, and they decided to go sit on the couch. It was funny the amount of times they didn't talk, they just looked at each other. Studying, analyzing, trying to figure out what the other one was thinking.

A million thoughts were running through Diana's head. Most of them about the things she wanted to do with Adonis. Her heart was pounding and she didn't know if it was the vodka, or the glorious green eyes that looked at her. She came to the conclusion that it was probably both. She wanted to kiss him, have him, fuck him. With that one last thought she couldn't hold off any longer. She scooted closer to him, then sat on his lap.

She looked at him, as he ran his hand up and down her waist. Then she kissed him. He put one hand on her waist, and the other on the back of her neck. She held his neck tight with her hands, while she locked her legs around him. The kiss was long and deep, leaving both of them breathless. Adonis stood up with her legs still wrapped around him.

"Where's your bedroom love?" he whispered in her ear, making her entire body tingle.

"Right down this hall to the right"

They got to her room and he sat on her bed with her still on his lap. She kissed his neck and continued to go down. She took his shirt off kissing his chest and continued to go down. She unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down, then she pulled down his American Eagle Underwear, and took him in her mouth. She slowly went up and down, just fast enough to make him want more. She did this until she heard his breath get faster and faster. She stops and slowly takes her mouth off of him. She wipes her mouth, and stands up.

She slowly starts taking off her clothes. First her shoes and socks, then she pulled down her tight jeans, revealing a pair of black lacy underwear. Then she takes off her shirt, leaving her with a black bralette with her breast hanging loose. She climbs back on top of him. Adonis looks at her speechless. She leans down and kisses him once more. Then looked him in the eye.

"Do you want me" she whispered in his ear

"Look at you darling, of course I want you"

"Then, beg"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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