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Descriptiom of character


A sexy one

Like in pornhub 😏😏



Dumb bimbo blonde


With big juicy tits

That sometimes slip out in class if your naughty 😏

After school detention

T-Are you naughty?

S- Fuck yes I’m  naughty

T-Do you want me to slap your dick?

And stroke it

And swallow it


T- Or maybe if your lucky, ride it 😏

S- My horoscope says I’m lucky enough

T- Well i guess your gonna have to be ridden then

Get your dick out or detention now!

6 inch already out and hard

Ooooh yessss

My tight wet pussy is begging for you to be in me l

Not so early baby forplay first

*unbuttons one button on her shirt*

Youre going to have to show me something for another button to be undone

Id kiss you with soft choking

While my other hand grabs your buns

Write 100 lines on the board! "miss hudson is the most sexy fucking teacher ever i want her so bad"

Oh yess my juicy buns wiggle in your hand

Miss hudson’s dads is a baker cause she has the perfect buns

*unbuttons another button*

Ooh youre getting a good glimpse now

My sweet suckable tits start to show, one more button and they might just slip out, oops!

Yeahhhh I like what I see while I kiss your neck

What are you going to do for the next button you sexy sexy student

Digs my tounge in youre throat

Pins yoy against the wall

What are you gonna do now huh?

Sexy sexy guy

Id kiss you slowly with your hands wide up open

Pin against the wall

Teach and y/n smvtحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن