chapter 1

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Rin one day was sitting on the roof of True Cross Academy before he went to Cram school. Suddenly, Rin was aware of a girl about to jump off the roof. Before she got the chance to jump Rin started asking her why she would do this, making the brunette pause. Rin took the girl's wrist and pulled her away from the edge. The girl cried into Rin’s chest explaining that everyone ignores her, that they don’t care, that she’s all alone. Rin couldn’t help but think that he’s just like her, that he’s listened to the thoughts of killing himself one too many times.

Rin listened to her, even as he was having his own breakdown on the inside. “You shouldn’t jump off the building because of that!” Rin continued even if he is the biggest hypocrite he’s ever known. “Come on, I’ll walk you home if you want. And besides, I can be your friend, there’s no need to jump.” Rin soothed her as she walked back down the stairs.”Thank you” the girl said her thanks leaving Rin alone once again.

Throughout the month, Rin has saved multiple people from themselves. Rin was drowning in his own insecurities as he thought about how he was betrayed by his ‘friends’ and his own brother, the brother that held a gun to his head. Rin’s eyes teared up. Rin’s mind wandered to a boy he met. While he was doing his unofficial official job. Jamie is a boy who was being abused by his older brother. Rin made Jamie feel that he could be respected and not just someone to walk on. Jamie made Rin feel like he wasn’t a complete monster. Jamie also made Rins heart beat fast every time he smiled, or laughed,or even looked in his direction.

Rin startled as his name was called. “Pay attention!” Rin’s teacher reprimanded him. Rin dazed as the class went by. “Today we will have a new student today. Her name is sakura.”(not naruto) Yukio announced. Rin looked up to see a girl with pink hair and green eyes. Sakura’s eyes widened at the sight of Rin. Bon, who noticed her reaction, said “Don’t worry about that demon.” Bon laughed. Rin sighed as he felt the comment sting almost physically. “Why would I be worried?” Sakura asked. Sakura skipped toward Rin with a carefree smile. “How are you?” she asked Rin, asking the question no one else had the heart to ask. “I’m good” Rin replied. 
Sakura gave Rin a disbelieving look. “Don't make me get Jamie. Answer the question truthfully.” Sakura threatened, making the ex-wires wonder who Jamie even was. “Fine, fine, I'm ok. I could be better.” Sakura gave an annoyed look to Rin. “ Jamie!!” Sakura yelled out, making the others in the room flinch. A boy with  light blonde hair–almost platinum,and brown eyes came in. “Rin, she told you to be honest.” Jamie pulled Rin so that he was now standing up. “Let me see your wrists.” Jamie demanded, Rin whined. The others in the room just watched the scene play out. Rin gestured vaguely to the ex-wires. “Can’t we do this somewhere else?” Rin pleaded.Jamie shook his head no. sakura pulled up Rin’s sleeves while he was distracted by Jamie’s beauty. All the ex-wires were shocked to see scars upon scars, all different shades, some even turning white.

Even Sakura and Jamie were shocked both with tears in their eyes, the ones who knew more than the ex-wires. “Rin, why wouldn’t you say it was this bad?” Jamie asked, Rin just shrugged feeling all eyes go on him, he lowered his head.
“I-I I don’t know, I'm sorry.” Rin’s voice started to shake and tears started to pour out his eyes, as he stood up and walked out the room.

“ Wait! RIn” Sakura ran after Rin, leaving Jamie and the ex-wires along with Yukio. “ This is your fault, every single one of you.” Jamie said angrily pointing at them accusingly, then running after sakura to find his boyfriend- wait what.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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