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Lost for words, Lily froze. Unsure of what to say. What to think.
Tears fell uncontrollably from Sarah's eyes as she let out a painfully sarcastic laugh, "I knew it, I shouldn't have said anything! I-I have to go." Sarah faked the weakest possible smile and left, trying desperately to hold back the tears that leaked from her sad, brown gems.

Lily leant against the wall, still taking in what Sarah had just told her. 'Stupid! Why didn't I respond?! You feel the same, why didn't you just tell her God damn!' She thought to herself. The words of songbird echoed through the halls as Lily stood alone.

...And the songbirds are singing, like they know the score, and I love you, I love you, I love you, like never before...

It was around 11:30pm, Sarah lay isolated, alone in her apartment bed. A million thoughts overpowering her brain. 'Why did you tell her?' 'Why didn't you just keep it to yourself?' 'Why would she feel the same?' Questions spun continuously around her head. It had been a few hours since her confession to Lily broke her heart. At least she had a week break from work to hide away, crawl under her covers and forget that she'd ever said a word to Lily.

Unexpectedly, Sarah heard a knock at her apartment door. Briefly fixing her hair and wiping the dampness from her cheeks. Sarah opened the door and froze. The tall, gorgeous blonde stood. Her blonde locks shaping her face. "Hi" Lily said, basically whispering.
"Look, I-" before Sarah could explain herself, the blondes lips crashed with hers, embarking on a passionate, unexpected kiss.

"There. I couldn't tell you that I felt the same earlier, because, I was overwhelmed, Sarah. If I had known you felt that way, we could've been something long ago." Lily stopped herself to catch her breath.
"I-I-I don't know what to say.." Sarah stood, shocked and expressionless.
Lily stepped fully into the apartment, locking the door behind her.

"Then say nothing, I love you, Sar" she giggled, locking lips with the brunette.
The kiss was interrupted by a smile from Sarah, whispering "I love you too." Into Lily's mouth. The two headed to Sarah's bed, sitting side by side, never once breaking the kiss, apart from sweet giggles of happiness and smiles.

"Well, it's late and, I just wanted you to know that, I love you Sarah. All these years, we just had that spark, you know? I never quite clicked but you just made days for me better, my life lighter and just, you made me feel what nobody else could make me feel. But, I better go." Lily pressed her lips against Sarah's forehead, in a somewhat apologetic way for charging in and making everything so quick then leaving so suddenly.

As Lily stood up to go, she felt Sarah's grip on her wrist. "Please, spend the night with me. Don't leave. You've barely been here 20 minutes Lil. Stay, I just want one night to feel you next to me, please?" She smiled, her cheeks slightly reddened by her request.
How could Lily resist?
"Of course, yeah, I'll stay!" Lily giggled contently, removing her jacket.

The two lay facing each other discussing their feelings, memories, and everything little thing they could just to stay up that little longer afraid of missing a moment of seeing the others smile.

"Can I just say, your going to rock the fuck out of that scene when we're back next week, Lily. And that little red dress, well, I slipped up already about it earlier but, all cards on the table. You looked fucking incredible!" Sarah laughed, biting into her bottom lip.
"Sarah" Lily nudged her, embarrassed by her comment, "you need to stop biting your lip, because, like its the hottest thing ever!" Lily smirked. 'Jeees rabe, hottest thing ever?! Play. It. Cool' she told herself.

Before they realised, it was already 3am. "Wow, it's late, or early should I say?!" Sarah yawned, covering her mouth.
"You know, tonight's been great. Just being able to spend it with you and just talk about anything and everything. Just made me love you even more!" Lily kissed Sarah's cheek, curling up next to her.
"Thank you, Lily. For coming over here, I really thought I was gonna lose you but, I think my life just got a little better!" Sarah smiled, pulling Lily into a tighter embrace and lifting her chin for another kiss.

Sarah turned the light on her bed side table off and adjusted her body next to Lily, making sure they were as close as possible and comfortable in the sheets, they settled to sleep.

"I love you, Lily Rabe" Sarah pressed her lips against Lily's for one last goodnight kiss.

"And I love you, Sarah Paulson" Lily buried her head into Sarah, using Sarah as a pillow in the best possible way so that she didn't hurt Sarah.
The two drifted off to sleep, happy, in each others arms.

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