10- Palace

966 32 9

-Your POV-

The lighting of the room woke me up, my eyes slowly open and adjust to the light. I noticed I wasn't outside or on the grass anymore. (F/C) colors surrounded the room, making me curious.

Why was I here?

I climbed out of the mattress and stood up, observing the room one more. Just then, the memory I had before struck me, making me recall everything. I was in the strangers embrace, I could remember his face; oddly handsome. This must've been his residence or something. I walked to the mirror, looking at myself. My (H/C) hair shined in the light, and somehow, my face looked elegant. I didn't know I was this pretty before, I felt like I could take myself as my bride if I could. I walked around the room, finding a closet. I opened the closet to see many dresses and suits. My eyes widen due to the prettiness and shine of the clothing. Was the stranger rich? I didn't touch any of the clothing, thinking it were someone else's. 

Then I just noticed, I was in cute bed-clothing/pajamas, they were (F/C) just like the room, my favorite color. Who changed me? I wonder curiously. But I shook the thought off thinking that maybe someone else changed me then men. It couldn't be that stranger though, he was this rich.

I spot shoes at the door, I put them on and looked out of the room. It looked like it was mid-day. Everyone must've been having lunch, maybe that was why there were no one in the large hallways. I walked out of the room and looked around, everything here was so fancy. The paintings looked magnificent as well. It made me think that I somehow had been here before.. Nonetheless, my curiosity got the better of me, I walked around, being cautious because, the stranger was still a stranger to me. 

When I was trying to turn the corner, I saw some fluffy balls or figures, standing in the middle of the hallway. I hid behind the wall, eyeing the figure cautiously. They were talking... about something. I tried to listen in on their conversation, which worked. 

"I heard that his highness brought the same girl here again." The blue fluffy figure whispered, slightly loud for me to hear.

"Really?! I heard last time she went here, she made him smile! For the first time in decades!" The purple fluffy figure responds, quite loudly again. I listened in on their conversation as they tried to maintain their postures and whisper, not wanting anyone to hear. Their voices suddenly turned awfully quiet, in fact, too quiet for me to hear. I knew I couldn't be able to hear their conversation from this far, so I gave up, recalling on the little information they have said.

I sigh and as I was going to turn around, a figure stood behind me as I looked straight at the figures chest, which, I looked up a moment later. It was the stranger.. Oddly exotic clothes embraced him, blonde-ish hair, tied into a long braid. I couldn't comprehend the situation until he pinned me to the wall. I looked up at him, widening my eyes. He leaned close to me.

"Didn't know you would be up this evening." He whispered in a slightly teasing voice as he smiled down upon me. 


I looked at him, slightly uncomfortable but blushing a little because of the situation. My breath hitched, I couldn't reply immediately due to the closeness between us. Slowly and carefully, I slowed down my breathing and looked at him, straight in the eyes. 

"You.. Can you not be so close to me..?" I asked, slowly turning into a whisper. I looked at his face to see him actually thinking about it. 

"Hmm.. How about 'No'?" He answered mockingly as he leaned even more closer to me. Was this guy always flirty? I sighed and pushed him away, in response, he let me do that, even after saying he would not let go.. I was confused when I saw him smiling towards me, a genuine smile. If any girl were in this situation, I trust that they would've fainted by his smile the moment their eyes lay onto it. I looked at him, feeling uneasy. So I looked around, spotting a door, with the title, 'Library'. Once I spot the title, an idea came to mind.

"Uh- If you don't mind, I will be going to the library to read some books!" I spoke, rather fast as I reprinted towards the library, feeling desperate to get out of this situation. He then grabbed my hand, and pulled me into him, hugging me. 

"But.. I remember you didn't even like reading books before.." He whispered, how did he know this information about me? 

"Well, I do now!" I answered and got out of his grasp, running afar. 

I ran into the Library, spotting tons of books. I then pretended to be finding a book, silently, trying to not cause any attention. There were tons of interesting books:

'The Traveler: The Outlander Who Caught The Wind'

'The Boar Princess'

'Oceanfront Eyes'

But there was one that caught my attention, 'The Fatui'.

(860 Words)


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