a new problem awaiting

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~Third person POV~

As the following weeks came by
The Blizzard hasn't stopped yet, and it making the ancients more nervous and worried, They didn't know what to do because They can't go out to search for Him right now

The two ancients, sitting by the fireplace trying to warm Themselves up from the harsh cold
The cracking from the fire are become one into mumbling harsh wind in the background as the two ancients are sitting there in silent

One that a female Cookie that usually the hair always in a buns has been let down freely from tying it up, She's wearing a thick layer of kimono and purple cardigan on top and the other male cookies using almost the same kimono except He have a dark soft purple robe loosely tied around the neck and leaving a long amount of the robe hanging from His shoulder onto the ground
With Their staff and sheild leaning beside the sofa They sit at

Let's said, the Purple with magenta tin color are not fit for both of Them, because it's not Their color but They had no choice since Dark Cacao kingdom main color are dark purplish grey with some tint of white and magenta

"What should We do.., Dark Cacao has been missing about almost a month and yet, We're just sitting here doing nothing..." Said the shorter male Cookie finally breaking the silence
"I.. also didn't know.. Pure Vanilla Cookie... But I'm sure He's fine.., He's not weak You know?..." Said the taller female Cookie reassuring the smaller male Cookie about this. "I know... It's just... I'm really worried about Him right now..." Said the male Cookie again "Aren't We are?.., I know You're worried about Him, and so do I.. but.. what can We do?.., the blizzards has not end yet.." The female Cookie replied

"... If only I came more early enough to stop Him before He went away..." The smaller male Cookie mumbled to Himself, "Do not blamed Yourself for it.., I'm sure after the blizzard stop, We'll go find Him and bring Him back, and I'm sure He'll be okay.." said the female Cookie trying to calm the cookie down "I.. hope so.."

They went to silent again, They didn't know is it already night or it's still day, because the outside really dark from the harsh weather
More days passed by, yet there is no changes on the weather.. or so..

It's when the male has fallen asleep on the sofa while the female one leaning on the wall looking at the locked windows that has been closed by the blinds, She couldn't hear a noise from outside, all She could hear are just Her thoughts and the cracking fire
She sigh as She go sit on the floor then doozing off to sleep because of exhausted

Tomorrow, when They woke up, They hear so many chattings and noises, like stuff has been moved, blinds has been opened and might also been a windows has been forced opened


The ancients quickly got up and ran outside from the fireplace room
And seen a female Cookie with a long hair who ordered around to the cookies to opened the gate, windows and doors, also not to forget to clean the outside way from the snow so Cookies can be easily walk in and out

"Thank God, is the blizzard finally done?!" The male ancient asked
The long hair female nodded and said
"Yes Your Highnesses, the blizzard finally stopped last at this morning and now We're cleaning the hall and the front door path from the thick snow" the long hair female Cookie said

Both of the ancients huffs in relief

"If so, well then, I'm going to help with clearing the path!" Said the pink hair Cookie with Her usual tone
"And I'll help with organizing stuff!" Said the blonde short hair Cookie excitedly

The long haired female Cookie just nodded "thank You for the help"

With so, They all working together along with the servants and guards to cleaned up and organizing around
It's all finished at Dusk

"Huff, that was a long blizzard, I couldn't imagined how Dark Cacao could went through it for 5 to 6 months!" The smaller male chattering around

"This time.. I could agreed with You.., it's really long.." the taller female crossed Her arm and looked down

"King Dark Cacao are already went through more than just an extreme harsh cold with winds, so being in blizzard are really not a big deal" Caramel Arrow said slurping Her boba, it's the 25th Boba this months

"... Where did You get that drink from?-" Pure Vanilla asked

But Before Caramel Arrow could answer
A cookie barged in with His cream wolf following Him behind

"HA NOW I SEE YOU DRINK IT FAR MORE THAN YOUR ALLOWANCE" a more shorter male Cookie said
"WHEN KING DARK CACAO CAME BACK, I WILL SURELY TOLD HIM THIS!" Crunchy Chip added with a proud face

"!! Shut Your mouth!, you ain't telling Dad stuff >:(" Caramel Arrow spoke without filtering Her words

"You're lucky Father are not here!, But I ain't not going to forget to tell Him this!" Crunchy Chip said again then ran away with His wolf
"HEY DON'T RUN AWAY NOW! >:(" Caramel Arrow said chasing after Crunchy Chip

"Haha, They're acting like siblings.. siblings of Dark Cacao Children.. just might missing out Dark Choco..." Pure Vanilla said

"Yeah.. I could see what You're pointing to.., I wonder where Dark Choco have been.., surely His Father Dark Cacao missed Him a lot.." Hollyberry said while Pure Vanilla just nodded in sad agreement

The uninvited Cookie watching Them from not far away

"... I'm missed playing around with Them like that.." He mumbled
He then shook His head
"Cut it [Redacted] You're here to only just search for Him and finish some stuff with Him"
He scolded Himself

He took last glance to the ancients one last time to make sure that They'll leave to search for Him tomorrow then He sneaked back into His room


I might not be able to updating this book for a few days because of school Exam..
So My apologies but You might gonna wait until the next Chapter on a few days or might go to week...

I am really really sorry for it

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