Random Curiosities (RR and DR)

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Riot Rises

Mabel Pines

— Mabel hates when people comment on her appearance;

— Her favourite kind of music is rock;

— She never screams in horror movies;

— She can sing high notes in songs.

— Mabel's outfit changes in the second season.

— Punched Wendy in the face once;

Dipper Pines

— Dipper can play the drums;

— He hates being called childish;

— Too protective of his sister, especially because of Gideon;

— Prefers to listen to pop, but wouldn't mind sharing his sister's headphones for some good rock;

— He has a collection of fingerless gloves.

Defying Riot

Gideon Southeast

— Gideon is still a bit shy, but if someone starts a conversation with him he can go along pretty well;

— Is too honest for his own good;

— Can't take compliments easily;

— Stole a bike once;

— Hates romance movies.

— Punched Robbie in the face once;

Pacifica Pines

— Pacifica makes seashell earrings for her closest friends and family, and for herself;

— If she offered someone pie, the person would either accept it or she'd shove it in their mouth;

— Pacifica can play the flute;

— She would laugh at someone dying in a horror movie.

Dipper Pleasure

— Has white hair like his sister (Which only makes him suspect Gideon even more), but with no black sides.

— Dipper likes to hear classic or opera songs, but also plays them in an electric guitar to make them “sound cooler”;

— Flirty, too flirty with Pacifica, someone help her;

— Has always dreamed of being a rockstar, but gave up on that dream;

— Definitely a scared baby when it comes to psychological horror movies.

Mabel Pleasure

— Black and white hair (Like Cruella de Vil);

— Can be as flirty as her brother, but only with Gideon;

— Used to be loving and too nice, but “something” changed her into a sarcastic cold girl;

— Would still be the one to never scream in a horror movie.

Riot Rises (Gravity Rises + Fight Falls)Where stories live. Discover now