Save me (Derek Hale)

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You had heard that Derek Hale was captured, again

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You had heard that Derek Hale was captured, again. So, of course, after having saved him the first time, you made sure to keep an eye out for the werewolf. You had made a promise to always try and help him. Even if he didn't remember you anymore.

You had kicked the hunter in the back of his head, slamming his head into the wall before shooting the other hunter.

Kate Argent was no where in sight.  Which had been a bummer, as you wanted to kill her. She was difficult to track, always running to another town to find werewolves to kill.

When you entered the room, it had been dark. So, he had removed the tiny flashlight you brought, only to shine it on a face of sharp K9 fangs, and blue electric eyes.

Derek was tied up by chains to his wrist and ankles, up against a fence. There was a wire box connected to his torso. You carefully walked up to him, hands up, it was much darker, Derek being back in the shadows but, it still provided enough light that Derek could see you. And you could see his silhouette.

As-well as the glowing electric blue eyes.

"Okay," you calmly spoke. "wait. I only have a second to explain. I'm (Y/N). Remember? I've-okay, so I didn't come up to you. You were unconscious and I just unlocked you and got you outside- okay, sorry. I'm here to help you out. I knocked out the other hunters, but if you want to get out of here, you're gonna have to let me unlock your chains."

"You're a hunter," Derek stated, hearing how you phrased your words.

"Sorta," you replied, tilting your head and then reaching down to the bottom chains. You quickly did the top chains. You quickly undo them, reaching out in case Derek had stumbled. He had fallen to the floor before you could remove the wires, doing that as you helped him out of the room.

"I'm (y/n), by the way," you spoke.

"Why did you save me?" Derek asked.

"Believe it it not, people do care about you," of course Derek didn't remember you. As the two of you walk out, Derek's arm sling around your shoulder, you are met with two of the guards pointing there guns at you. "Hey, hey, alright hurry, no need for weapons. Just a friendly little chat." You smiled.

They stared at you, determination. Also annoyance.

"Yeah, I wouldn't believe me either," you say before you reached out, grabbing the gun and ripping it from one of the guard's hands and hitting him in the face with the butt of the gun, hard. You turned, punching the other guard and then turning the gun to shoot her. "You can either let us go and live. Or I'll kill you and leave with him."

The guards-the ones conscious-moved out of the way, letting the two of you by. You pulled Derek to be more behind you, pointing the gun at the guards as you walked out.

When you had gotten to your car, you hadn't locked it before, so immediately pulled the passenger door open and put Derek into the seat. Then you ran around the front of the car, pulling open the driver's door and sitting down. You grinned looking back at him.  "Back to Beacon Hills." You start to drive the car.

The next day, you had stopped at a gas station. You point at Derek. "Don't move."

"Where am I gonna go?" Derek questioned, grumpily.

You shrugged. "I don't know. You're a sneaky guy though, Derek Hale."

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