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The ocean sparkled as the sun began to rise in the horizon. It's brilliant majesty emerging from the waves, as if breaking free from it's prison. Perceiving in awe the world beneath the skies.

In the distance a young woman, curled up into a ball on the beach, began to cry. She clenched at the sand, and beat her fist into her thigh.

" You gutless bastard!" She screeched, her words directed towards the ocean. As if the waves would carry her words, like a message in a bottle.

With tears streaking across her swollen face, she aimlessly grappled the vicinity around her. And in her attempts she retrieved an outcasted branch, weathered from its time in the sun. She continued to add yet another line next to the four lines that were present in the sand that she had drawn days prior.

Five days she thought. Five days you bastard.

She stabbed at the lines sending particles of sand into the air and into her mouth. Disregarding the uncomfortable grinding of sand between her teeth, she repeatedly slashed until the stick broke in her hand. A gash of red traced the lifeline upon her palm as the broken wood punctured her skin. She winced at the minor injury and sighed in defeat. She wound a tight cloth around the incision, ripping her dress once more. Going from a knee length torn gown, to nearly exposing her groin. The once lavish dress now a vague memory of it's splendor.

  Whether she beat herself or the ground the fact still remained. She was stranded on this island. All alone. Disassociated from any contact. It had been her cross to bear. A punishment to a crime she unwillingly partook in.

"All alone, expect for you, ma petite fille*, " she whispered, tenderly. She circled her fingers around her abdomen, multiple flutters erupting beneath her touch. The bulge beginning to show beneath her gown. A fact she had found it trying to hide any longer. She hid her condition rather well those 7 months. But the child within her was inconsiderate to the timing.

She glanced at the fire she had used for warmth during the night and noticed it was quickly dying. The black ashes blowing towards her as the wind picked up. Smoke smearing across her burnt face. Masking the faint freckles scattered about the bridge of her nose. A sense of dread and exhaustion came over her observing the flames dying at the winds command. Gonna have to find more wood before I freeze tonight .

She slumped forward and gathered her skirts (or lack thereof), lifting herself off of the sand with one hand whilst the other cradled her bump. A slight waddle was overtaking her usual gait, adding to the struggle of survival. She tore yet another piece of her gown off and filled it with dry wood along the beach line. The aching of her sore shoulders emerged when she threw the bundle over her shoulder and waddled over to the fire.

Five days of manual labor had bested her physically. Accompanied by the lack of hydration and food, it was a miracle she was able to exert any sort of motivation.

She threw the wood hastily onto the makeshift fire pit, taking out her frustrations. A few dainty limbs rolled out of the fire circle. To hell with it.

Growl. The food she had been marooned with had ran out two days before. Now she would have to play the hunter and kill for nourishment. Most of the berry bushes on the island were poisonous. She had learned such knowledge from spending all her time out on sea with skilled crewmen who were not only acquainted with the skills of the sea, but also by the knowledge of its surrounding lands. How I long for my crews companionship now.......

She knew why she had been casted aside to this island. She knew her strong will had gotten her into this predicament. A strong leader she had been for her crew, before they had joined alliances. Her way was the only way after Pierre died.

Pierre..... She sighed deeply. Just the thought of him pinched a mournful nerve. It has been several months that he had been gone. Yet she longed for him. Even though he had been a man stuck in many of his ways- he was the only man she had ever known. And he had known her. So deeply sometimes it shook her.

Standing at the fireside, she watched the waters beginning to glisten as the sun stretched it's light throughout the world. She could hear seagulls hungrily scouring for food. And dolphins giggling as they leapt about the water. With so much beauty how could she feels so ugly inside? How did it all go so wrong?

*my little girl

The Legacy of Lady Anne:  The Loveless LassWhere stories live. Discover now