Paper wrapped stone

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Vihan Kumar had just reached his apartment after meeting Isha when his mind started racing with thoughts of Priya joining SoftTech. If she did, they would be colleagues, and they could even be on the same project. As he stepped into his home, the first thing he noticed was the sound of his phone. A beep. His heart skipped a beat. It was a message from Isha. He knew what it would say before he even looked—information about Priya.

He placed the bike key on the table nearby and sat on the couch. The worn fabric sagged under him. Slowly, he exhaled the breath he had been holding and let his body go limp in the couch as his mind took him back to today morning when Isha called and the events that led to this, replayed in his mind.

The sun had just peeked over the horizon, painting the sky in a wash of blues and pinks. He was sipping his morning tea and enjoying the view from the balcony when the phone rang. He smiled as he saw Isha Rao's name light up his phone screen and he eagerly pressed the 'answer' button. They hadn't talked for a while, not since he changed his job.

"Hey Isha, long time no talk! How are you, idiot?"

"I'm good, smarty-pants. How about you?" she said, mockingly.

"I'm doing good. So, what's up?"

She took a deep breath and started fidgeting with her hair. "I want to tell you something important,"

"Ok, tell me."

"I will not tell you over the phone. Let's meet."

"Sure, I am always ready. What place do you have in mind and when?"

She giggled. "At the Kosmic café this evening."

"I knew you would say Kosmic café, Isha,'' he said noncommittally. "Why do you always visit that place? I really don't get it."

"You know I like coffee, and Kosmic is the best in town."

Vihan smiled frostily and said, "Sure, let's meet at Kosmic."

"Perfect. I'll see you evening then."

Vihan sat back as he disconnected the call, wondering what she wanted to say that was important. As he was lost in thought, he gazed at the sky once again and admired the beautiful blue hue. Suddenly, he was pulled back by the roar of car horns and screeching of tires as the vehicles zoomed by on the road.

It was a weekend, so the remainder of the day went slowly. Soon, it was evening, and he was already running late when he grabbed the bike from the parking lot. Fresh air hit his face as he started down the street. He quickened his pace, the 5 o'clock sun already turning the sky a dusky pink. He was running late for his meeting with Isha.

Isha's mind drifted back to the conversation she had with Swati right before leaving home as she waited for Vihan to arrive at the café.

She was almost ready. The blue fabric of her dress clung to her body in all the right places. She had picked out a pair of earrings that matched the dress. She looked in the mirror one last time, running her fingers through her hair to fix any fly aways before she left. Swati's voice halted her in the tracks as she turned to see her judging eyes. "Meeting with Vihan, huh?"

"Yes, we are meeting at Kosmic café at 5." Isha's slender fingers flew over the keyboard of her phone as she navigated the rental car app.

Swati continued, "Just yesterday you were able to connect with Priya and got to know her whereabouts and now you are going to share that with Vihan?"


"Are you sure about it? I mean, you both have been friends since college, and I know you have feelings for him. I see your eyes light up like the stars whenever there is mention of Vihan."

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