ACT 1-02

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"What punishment", asked a huskily and familiar voice.

Oh no!

Everyone turned around to see a young man standing next to the entrance with crossed arms as he observed everything.

Many girls swooned at him and straightened out their uniforms.
And no one could blame them—

The boy was tall, maybe around 6'4 and had a lean stature.
He had darkbrown curls on his head and darkbrown, nearly black eyes.
His lips were pulled into a frown as his right eye twitched slightly.
A fine scar was seen from on top of his eyebrow to just under his eye.

Even though everyone was swooning at him, his eyes were only on her.
What punishment, he thought and walked towards the group from the future.

"Caelum, 19, Slytherin.", he introduced himself, smirking at the old headmaster's face as he sat down next to Estrella.
"Continue.", he added and everyone began to watch the movie once again.

"What are you doing here, you bloody idiot?", Estrella whispered, while everyone watched Dudley throwing an tantrum about his gifts.

"I won't let my fiancée stay alone in another time-line. Are you delusional?", he whispered back and narrowed his eyes at her.

"You will only make this worse.", she whispered quietly and desperate.

An angry expression fell over his face,"What? Because I will get angry at anyone who wronged you? That's my job and now let me watch this movie."

"Lover's quarrel.", whispered Sirius to his boyfriend, Remus, in amusement.

"I think he is just really protective over her.", stated Remus quietly and received a small nod.

The Dudley's and Estrella were now by the car, when Venon grabbed her arm tightly.

Besides her, Caelum grabbed her hand tightly and pulled her closer to him.
Oh, when he reacts to these little things like that, she can't imagine how he will react at the others.

"I'm warning you now, silly girl. Any funny business, any at all, and you won't have any meals for a week. Get in.", he ordered, grabbing her arm even tighter

"Sirius.", Bellatrix called out, her murderous eyes fixed on the screen,"I am in if you are."

"Count me in.", Sirius replied as they watched the drama unfold.

At the London Zoo. The family is in the reptile house, looking at a large Boa constructor.

"Make it move.", Dudley ordered and Vernon taps at the glass.

"Move!", he said even louder as his son tapped the glass much harder.

Estrella rolled her eyes and stated loudly,"He is asleep."
Dudley and his father walked away, making her mutter,"Bunch of bloody idiots.

Small chuckles were echoing in the hall as Sirius spoke to James about her being the 'maincharacter'.

"You were a such cute child, I hope our kids will get your genes.", Caelum whispered into Estrella's ear, making her choke slightly.

She hit him softly in the stomach,"Stop.", making him chuckle quietly.

"I am sorry about that creature. He doesn't understand what it's like, lying there day after day, having people press their ugly faces in on you. He is a spoiled brat", stated little Estrella and sighed in annoyance.

"Got that right.", Theodore muttered under his breath next to Estrella.

The snake looked up and blinked at her slowly.
"Oh my lord, can you hear me?", the snake nodded softly.
"It's just—I've never talked to a snake before. Not that I mind.
Do you—I mean—do you talk to people often?"

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