sleepover - dexer

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It was Thursday night and it was winter break. Me, Ron, and Day had planned to have a big sleepover, just like we used to do. Day had shown up a while ago, but we were still waiting for Ron.

I sat down next to David, working on homework when the phone rang.

"Huh, you can't make it? Why? Yeah, David's here already. You have to help at the store? Oh, ok then. No worries, man. Alright, bye!"

I hung up the phone and turned back to David.

"Ron can't make it, the store is busy tonight. I guess it's just us then!" I walked over to the shelf next to him, and started skimming through the movies to see which options we had.

"Hmm, what do you wanna watch? I chose last time, so you can choose now if you'd like." "Hm.. ok." I knew that face he had, and it wasn't good.

He stood up next to me and looked through them for a bit, ultimately picking up a horror film and grinning at me.

"Dayyyy, you know I hate that one" He waved it in my face and said "That's exactly why I chose it" before skipping over to the movie player and putting it in.

He came and sat back down, and we sat in silence waiting for it to get through the beginning credits and start.

David knew how much I hated this one, and I could clearly remember the first time we watched it.

We were 10, and had snuck into my Dad's room and took it before he got home from work. We waited for him to get home and go to sleep and we then put it on.

I ended up getting really scared and woke up my dad, and Day was banned from sleepovers for a long time after that.

The problem was that it was such a long time ago, that I couldn't even remember what happens in it that made it so scary, and I doubt David remembered either. I'm honestly just surprised that he even remembered the title.

He still makes fun of me to this day for it, but there's no way he wasn't atleast a little bit scared back then.

The movie started with a girl walking down the street. She looked like she was probably 14 or 15.

The camera turned and revealed a school ahead of her, with lots of people outside of it. The school day started normal but the lights flickered and went out in the middle of one of her classes and then the power for the whole school was out.

There was some sort of monster in the school and everyone was hiding. It was complete silence, and I turned to look at David and he was holding his breath. Who's the scared one now?

The girl was behind a shelf, and she went to turn and look around the shelf and the monster was there.

It was a good jumpscare, with the monster screaming and leaping at the screen.

David jumped (so did I) and I looked down at our hands.

He had grabbed mine, and I almost didn't notice. I didn't mention it, and I turned back and kept watching the movie.

A while later there was another jumpscare, and I squeezed his hand and I think then he noticed. He opened his mouth to say something, but then there was a scream from the tv and we both looked back at it.

The rest of the movie was sort of a blur. All I could focus on was David.

He kept hold of my hand, even after he had realized that he had grabbed mine.

The movie ended, and by then he was asleep. He was slouched over with his head leaning on my shoulder. I looked over at him, and then laid my head down and went to sleep.

Wait, now that I think about it.. Didn't Ron say the store was closed on Thursdays?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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