Valentines Day is a Waste

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Katy: *reading a book in the library*

Axel: Hey katy *wraps an arm around her* do you remember...last Valentines Day *he whispered in her ear*

Katy: *shuts the book very fast and turns around* YOU WOULDN'T TEL!----

Axel: hehehe maybe I would.

~~last Valentines Day~~

Katy: *yawn* rolls over sleeping*

Xion: *knocks on her door softly* "katy?.... sleeping.

Xion: your late for the meeting!!

Katy: OH SHOOT *instantly gets up doing everything she usually does and walks with xion* please tell me im not in trouble..

Xion: yep..your in for it...

Katy:*slumps* Crap...

*at meeting*

*Everybody stares her down and snickers slightly as xemnas clears his throat*

Xemnas:.your late....AGAIN...

Katy: I was just sleeping...

Xemnas: we will discuss this after the meeting. as you all know....for the is Valentines Day..

Axel: I already got my sights set *smirks while looking at katy*

Demyx: *stares daydreaming at larexene*

Roxas: Xion...nuff said..

Xemnas: the organization will hence forth find a companion and go out for a excuses...dismissed ..

Katy: *facepalm*

Xigbar: *glares at axel* mine......

Axel: *glares back* ill win her first

Xigbar: fat chance pyro!

Axel: OH ITS ON...

~present time~

Katy: didnt what

Axel: I call you this year..*nibbled her ear*

Katy: *smirks* you can try.....hehehehe

Axel:*carries her off bridal style into his room*

Xion and roxas: WHAT HAVE WE SEEN!!!

Ask or dare Me and Of Course Axel!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ