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Karen Ashley as Aisha Campbell

Johnny Yong Bosch as Adam Park

Steve Cardenas as Rocky DeSantos

Jason David Frank as Tommy Oliver

Amy Jo Johnson as Kimberly Hart

David Yost as Billy Cranston

Jason Narvy as Skull

Paul Schrier as Bulk

CCH Pounder as Doma

Gabriel Byrne as Machine King

With A Martinez as Invader

And Paul Freeman as Ivan Ooze

The cast of Kingdom Hearts, Rwby, Peach Girl, Marmalade Boy, and Code Lyoko remain the same.

Here's the cast of Kingdom Hearts: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The movie. I'm doing this for Jason David Frank, knowing that this is his first movie of Power Rangers. I hope you'll like the cast for the story. Let me know what you all think. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you. And R.I.P. Jason David Frank, Aka Tommy Oliver. Remember, go green ranger, go, go!

Kingdom Hearts: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The movieWhere stories live. Discover now