Royal Christmas

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Fifteen years in the future...

Eleanbeth BaDooka, Dookess Consort to His Highness Dooka Looka BaDooka, was truly living the dream. Never in a million years would she expect to fall in love with, let alone marry someone of royalty. She's heard of royal weddings, but didn't think she'd be in one. Usually celebrities or those with high publicity never have lasting relationships, let alone marriages; but E.B. and Looka had something more to their hearts. (I'd love to recap their first meeting, but I'm sure you're all tired of hearing it).

Now living in the royal palace, the decorations the staff puts up every year never ceases to amaze E.B. They'd cover the walls in silver curtains, hung glass snowflakes from the ceiling, rested miniature fully decorated Christmas trees on every end table and ice sculptures in the ballroom. Every year, they threw an elegant holiday ball where common folk would arrive to celebrate the occasion with their Ookian counterparts. E.B. also made sure that her family would be invited too. I mean, it's not like she forgot about where she came from or who she holds most dear just because she's living an enriched lifestyle. She wasn't like her grandmother, that's for certain.

E.B. stood at the top of the stairs, her cloak resting a few feet behind her, its blue hue perfectly complimenting her pink dress. In her maturity, she let her hair down, it having been specially treated to not poof up like it used to. Still, she wasn't entirely unrecognizable from the little girl she was all those years ago. At least that's what her mom, stepdad and brother would tell her.

Speaking of whom, they should be arriving soon.

"Merry Christmas, Elanabeth."

She turns to her side and sees her husband. A smile crosses her face as she hugs him.

"Merry Christmas to you, Looka."

Loosening up, they share a kiss.

"Should we come back later?"

In her shock, E.B. snaps out of it and looks down the stairs again. Right at the bottom was her mother Michellee, stepfather Guy and brother Guy Jr.

Over the past decade and a half, both of her parents had gone somewhat grey, but like their little girl, they were still recognizable. Junior, on the other hand, was suffering his way through secondary school. He was no mechanical engineer like his pop, but he didn't really need to be.

E.B. walked down the stairs to her family. "Hi, guys!", she screamed as she threw her arms around her family.

"So good to see you, sweetie", said Guy.

"You're still the bean that counts most", said Michellee.

"I miss you, sissy", said Junior.

All of this had E.B. on the verge of tears.

"You keeping up your studies, little brother?", she asked Junior.

He scoffs. "Of course I am! What makes you think I'm not?"

"The fact that you sound defensive right now."

"Defensive? I'm not being defensive."

His sister looks at their parents. "Is he doing well in school?"

"Yes", Guy answered plainly.

Just then, Looka came downstairs too. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Am-I, Junior."

"Looka, we told you. It's okay you can call us by our names", Michellee reminded him.

"Right. I'm sorry."

"It's fine."

"Well, are you ready for the Christmas ball?"

The three of them nod.

"Hey, Junior, you might even meet a nice princess on the dance floor. Eh?"

The boy blushes and shakes his head. "Can't. I'm, uh, spoken for."

"Oh? By whom?"

Junior blushed even harder.

The doors opened again. It wasn't a royal guest, but it was Sam-I-Am, his wife Gluntz and their teenage daughter Molly.

"Junior!", the girl yelled out. She ran to and embraced him. Both of their parents were nonchalant about this. Looka and E.B. were floored by this revelation.

"Hi, E.B.!", Sam exclaimed.

"Hey, Sam!" He bows to her. "You don't have to do that", she chuckles.

"Sorry. I couldn't resist", he chuckled too.

"Merry Christmas, queen", Gluntz said, doing a curtsy.

E.B. rolled her eyes.


As the sun began to set, more guests had begun to arrive; sovereign rulers near and far had come to dance in the Ookian ballroom: Princess Blair of Tortooka, Queen Valkyrie of LaGlamma, Prince Mason and Princess Concretia of Stoneville, just to name a few. The orchestra played Christmas music on end. The refreshments tables had to be replenished at least five times over. Sanitation workers had to mop up melted ice sculptures so no one would slip.

In the center of the dance floor, E.B. danced in Looka's arms, sighing as she rested her head on his chest. Over to the side, she could see her parents slow dancing just like they did at their wedding reception. Further away, Sam and Gluntz helped themselves to more sweets from the desert table. Junior and Molly danced a little too fast for the song's tempo, but they're still kids so it was passable.

"Psst. E.B."

She looks up at her husband. "Yes, Looka?"

"I love you."

A warm feeling ran through her. "I love you too."

Just then, the orchestra started playing an instrumental version of Endless Love .

"You picked that song? You planned this?"

"Of course. It still means I love you though. I love you with everything that makes me me. I love you more than every cent in our vault. I love-"

He was cut off by E.B. kissing him.

"Sorry. I overdid it, didn't I?"

"No. You're adorable." She smiled at him.

She could see Junior whispering in Molly's ear and her laughing. But hey, it's Christmas. No need to be up in arms.


It was at that moment, E.B. woke up back in Glurfsburg. Her married life with Looka was all a figment of her imagination, but who's to say it won't be a reality?

Then Junior came running into her bedroom. "E.B.! Wake up! It's Chwismas!"

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