Chapter 1

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                             looked, in all honesty, like the illegitimate offspring of a skeleton and a ghost - who might have been a male model or hairdresser at some point in its life, judging by that outrageous, flaming pink pompadour. But Arthur wasn't dwelling on the details at the moment, his brain was far too frazzled from sheer terror as he stared into the bottomless pits of the skull's eye sockets belonging to the hulking figure looming over him. Zonks, why did he ever get into the mystery-hunting business again?! It wasn't his fault that his two best friends had some weird, borderline creepy LOVE for anything supernatural, especially Vivi. She was the ringleader really, and where Arthur would almost jump out of his skin if a floorboard so much as creaked, she would get a familiar excited sparkle in her eyes and jump at the chance to investigate. Usually, she would drag her on-again off-again sorta-boyfriend Lewis with her, but...

"Lewis..." Arthur sobbed, barely audible as the specter closed in, cornering him with his broad shoulders to cut off any escape route. It was simple from there, closing his eyes and backing up against the stone wall of the mansion. It felt grounding somehow, comfortable even, like he had deserved this for a long time and it was finally happening.

Except something happened, something mortifying and that kinda awkward that only happens maybe once or twice in your life and every time you think about it while trying to sleep you just wanna hide in a hole and never come out - you know, that kind. It all started when the skeleton floated so close that Arthur's fight-or-flight reflex must have short-circuited from sheer panic, and he actually attempted to push the ghost away. His comparatively small hands met a very solid chest clothed in an expensive-looking black suit, making the mistake of cupping what appeared to be a beating heart made out of gold. A loud 'chink' sound echoed through the hallway, indicating it was his metal arm that had collided with the strange heart. It stuttered in his hand, and the ghost froze, then shuddered, letting out a strange sort of groan before grabbing both of Arthur's hands, raising them above his head and slamming his whole body against the stone wall.

"You will pay for that..."
Deep. So impossibly, lusciously deep.

Arthur was pinned, and...oh shit. He was pinned. This couldn't be happening now, but it was...that one violent, dominating gesture had sparked something inside him that turned into a sudden flare. The ghost was obviously a little taken aback by the look in his prey's eyes, but he decided to pay it no mind for now - his revenge was so close and he wanted to enjoy every delectable moment. He invaded the other man's space in typical villain form, grinning devilishly with his eyes and pressing his large bulk against him, meaning to appear intimidating. It was quite a sight - a powerful, angry specter immobilizing his victim physically, ensuring no further escape was possible while Arthur struggled helplessly in his iron-like grip.
At least that's what it would have looked like to a spectator.
Arthur, however...clearly didn't see it like that, though. His breathing was labored, sure, that was to be expected when you were so - petrified? Is that was this was? No, it couldn't be, because as he strained against his bonds, he arched his back so that his weight was supported by his shoulders on the wall behind him, and he fucking moaned when his lower body made contact with the specter's. To say the ghost-man was surprised was laughable, it hardly came close to describing the comically confused expression that now oozed from his skull-like face. Dumbfounded, he couldn't will his body to move away as the living man practically molested his upper thigh, straining and grinding almost involuntarily. Arthur was mortified - stupid body, the hell is wrong with you?! You can't seriously be turned on being seconds from death. But there was the evidence, right there in the front of his trousers, pressed against the ghost's leg as he moved desperately against him. His hands hurt, as the ghost's grip got even tighter in an attempt to make him stop, but that one simple movement made his eyes squeeze shut and his mouth fall open in a small gasp.

This brought back memories - for both of them. The ghost's name was Lewis, and he was once a valued member of the Mystery Skulls (a paranormal investigative gang), before this man currently pleasuring himself on his leg killed him by pushing him off a cliff into various pointy things. But that wasn't the memory he had in mind at the moment.

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