Chapter 3 and final

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How long had it been now? Two days, maybe. Arthur couldn't be sure; the candles in the chandelier had long since burned down into a large ball of wax, and the only light in the whole dungeon emitted from a dish with a strange purple fire that never seemed to go out. Lucky for him, the plumbing still worked, and he had been able to get himself several cups of water and do his daily business, but...

He was hungry.

His thoughts drifted to Lewis, as they seemed to a lot these past few days. He'd seemed a lot less vengeful and killy the last time they met, but now he wasn't so sure. Had that all been a ruse, some false hope? Was he going to be left for dead to languish alone and starving in the dark? It was proving hard to keep up the faith in his friend, though he gently reminded himself he deserved no such pleasantries. If Lewis wanted him to die like this, then he would. He would do anything for him. Maybe he would die and become a ghost too; then they could hang out doing ghostly things and pranking people, his debt repaid and Lewis' revenge satisfied.

Tired of worrying, and too hungry to argue with himself, Arthur flopped down on his back on the too-hard bed, and propped his hands behind his head as a makeshift pillow. He was just beginning to doze off when he heard the door creak open, and he knew it was Lewis because there were no footsteps before the door closed again. He feigned sleep for a few minutes, and was confused when Lewis didn't wake him or make any sound at all. He could feel him floating right next to the bed, there seemed to be a warmth that surrounded him and a barely audible beating of his heart, and the pink glow of his absurd hair permeated Arthur's closed eyelids. Was he...was he seriously watching him sleep? What a creeper, but maybe...maybe, he could mess with him a bit.

Arthur sighed deeply, rolling over in his 'sleep' and muttering something barely audible. Lewis was intrigued; back in the living days, Arthur often talked in his sleep, he knew that much from their many nights having to be spent in the back of the Mystery Van. Usually it was screaming or night terrors, and many a time Arthur would get a swift kick in the back for waking everyone up. But these sounded like full sentences! Lewis bent at the waist and leaned in a little closer, trying to make out the words. They were too he moved even closer, his face inclined and very close to Arthur's when the blonde man's body spasmed a bit, and he let out a smutty moan right in his ear. Lewis' bony face flushed and he attempted to quickly move back a bit, but Arthur's surprisingly strong metal hand had shot out and grasped at the sleeve of his tux. Panicking now, eye sockets wide, he tugged desperately at the vice-like grip while the man on the bed writhed and panted like a bitch in heat. Curse his infernal metal arm!

The ghost-man froze at that, and he couldn't have moved if he'd tried.

"'re such a creeper, watching me sleep." Arthur's eyes finally opened, and much to his delight, he saw that good 'ol LewLew was just as flustered about stuff like this in death as he had been in life. How the heck someone as good-looking as him would be that shy he had no idea, but messing with him and playing gay chicken was always worth it. Mercifully, he let go with a good-natured chuckle and sat up on the bed, watching with a sparkle in his eye as his friend attempted to compose himself. It involved much stuttering but almost no eye contact. Aww, bless!

Finally he seemed to find his footing, and he drew himself up to his full height, tugging regally at the hem of his jacket to straighten it. Arthur smirked a the dirty look he received.

"You certainly seem less fearful of me, you little shit." Lewis growled, but there was a touch of fondness in it. They both laughed at that, and Arthur sat cross-legged on the bed, patting the spot next to him as an invitation for Lewis to join him. He did, but he hovered about a foot in the air and crossed his arms and legs, still a little guarded.

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