-16- (holland ^^)

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Three weeks later

"Bye Kassie! See you later! Love you!" Shelby called to her daughter as she walked away.

"Bye Mommy!" Kassie waved, walking to her friend, Stephanie.

Shelby sighed as she drove away.

Soon, she arrived at the set of Teen Wolf, and parked her car.

She walked in, looking around at the colored walls around her. A small trampoline in the editors room was being bounced on by Melissa.

"Melissa? Sorry. You know where Dylan is?" Shelby asked the brunette actress.

"Oh it's no problem. Just down the hall." She pointed, where a row of chairs with the actors names were set up.

"Oh my god, Dylan!" Shelby exclaimed, walking towards him.

"Hey baby. What's up?" He looked up from the script he was reading.

"Some girls at your daughters school want to meet you." She laughed, saying 'your daughter' instead of Kassie just felt right.

"DAUGHTER?! WHAT?!" Holland yelled, throwing up her script.

"WAIT DAUGHTER?" Posey yelled.

The rest of the cast and Jeff, had the same reactions, and where trampling them with questions.

"I'm sorry we didn't tell you." Dylan said, pulling Shelby into his lap.

"We adopted her. Her name is Kassie." Shelby explained.

"Awe, that little girl that was is Jeff's chair the other day?" Crystal gushed.

"That's her."

"Oh she's sooo cute!" Holland smiled, recalling the memory of the blonde.


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