the choni issue

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tw!: mentions of abuse

so what i mean by the choni issue is a lot of people who ship them say that toni barely gets comfort and stuff like that from cheryl or she's jus cheryl's gf. which btw is completely wrong, a lot of people stan toni more than cheryl or they stan them both equally... people who act like toni is just a background character or she never gets to be comforted are so annoying bc if you've actually watched riverdale you know that both toni and cheryl get comforted.

also to the people saying that cheryl only got emotionally abused you are wrong yes cheryl didn't get physically abused that often she did get abused both mentally and physically. also toni forgave cheryl whenever she did something and vice versa. yes cheryl can be extremely fucking stubborn but she loves toni which means she will eventually listen to whatever toni has to say even if it's not in her favor, (ex: ep 5x08... toni says that's she needs cheryl to back off and leave her alone (even though that only lasted for so long) cheryl knowing that toni needed space from her she listened... yes toni did have to slightly raise her voice she listened... please stop making is seem like toni is only cheryl's gf when she is definitely more than that and it has been proven multiple times.... toni is more protective of herself which is why she has barely talked about her backstory...

one more thing... people and the choni ffs🤦🏾‍♂️y'all need to stop acting like only toni has a perfect or fucked up life in 𝐸𝑉𝐸𝑅𝑌 single ff (or vice versa) in existence when half the time both toni and cheryl have fucked up lives... some people who read ff need to realize it is 𝐹𝐴𝑁𝐹𝐼𝐶𝑇𝐼𝑂𝑁 and not canon (usually) toni hasn't gotten a backstory ep or anything yet so people want to make up why she is so guarded... no one is perfect especially in riverdale so stop acting like they have to be.... it is a show based off a fucked up town and what goes on in said town..



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