Chapter 15

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Breeah's POV:

I never really liked Mondays. I don't think anybody really does. If my mom wasn't here I would skip school today but I was in my room getting ready. All of a sudden I heard the door knob jingle.

" Breeah? " my sister said.

" What Jayla? "

" Can I borrow your black miniskirt? "

I opened the door. " Why? "

" Because it's spring picture day and I don't want to look a hot mess. "

" You can't even fit that skirt. "

" Yes I can. "

I squinted my eyes at her.

" Have you been in my room? "

" .........Noooo. "

" Ugh whatever " I said rolling my eyes.

I went through my drawers to find that skirt.

" Here " I said.

" Thanks. "

Unfortunately my sister can fit some of my clothes. I almost forgot that spring break is in a couple of weeks but we don't take our pictures until tomorrow. I can't believe how fast the year has gone by though.

After I finished doing my hair I went downstairs.

" Mom? "

" Yes Bree? "

" When am I my getting my braids re-done? "

" Ummm, well why don't you just leave your actual hair out? "

" No I don't wanna to do that. "

" Why not? "

" Because I don't like my real hair."

" Well I think it's pretty " Kendrick said coming in the kitchen with a cup of coffee.

Yeah but nobody ask you Kendrick Lamarr. I didn't even want to be in the same room as him. He's weird and he makes me uncomfortable. Especially after what happened the last time. He's a pervert.

" Um mom, i'm going to go to school now. "

" Are you sure you don't want to eat breakfast? Or a ride to school?"

I looked at Kendrick and then he smirked and winked at me.

" No thanks mom. "

I walked out of the kitchen, grabbed my book bag, and walked out the door.


Mariah's POV:

School couldn't be any more boring today. I was so happy to be going home. I guess my mom got home from work early because her car was in the driveway. I opened the front door and took off my shoes.

" Hi mom " I said.

" Hey babe. How was school?. "

" Well I've only got two and a half more months of school so everything is good. "

She was in the kitchen cooking and the boys were at the kitchen table doing homework.

" The square root of 64 is...." said Tre.

I sat down at the table and decided to study for my Spanish and VS1 quizzes tomorrow.

" It's 8 genius " I said.

" 8? How is it 8? "

" Because 8 and 8 sat on the floor and played Nintendo 64. That's what my 6th grade math teacher would always say to help us remember what 8×8 was. "

Highschool Drama: Freshman Year (MB story)Where stories live. Discover now