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Chris's POV
I woke up the next day In a hospital gown, I looked around and saw that I was at a hospital but why? I saw a women come in the room, hi I'm dr.andrews the women said. Why am I here I asked? Well it seems that last night you were stabbed in the back...stabbed I kept replaying that word in my head. Stabbed? I asked. Yes it happened last night you might not remember though because once you were stabbed you fell to the ground you are very lucky to still be alive considering were you were stabbed and when you fell and hit your head she spoke. Umm when can I leave I asked... Well we will just have to see on how you are feeling the doctor said then left. How could this happen it doesn't make any sense all I remember is I was having such a great then boom! It all goes black.

Matt's POV
I am so scared right now how could this happen it was all so perfect and then that happens it doesn't make any sense I also was angry at myself because I was right next to her I was sitting right next to her I could've stopped the person. It's ok,she gonna be ok carter said to (oh yeah he got to Orlando last night after he heard Chris was stabbed he wasn't suppose to come for another 2 days) no it's not carter you don't understand I was right next to her I said while crying my eyes out...what if she doesn't make it? I looked around the room and saw everybody with there heads in there hands cryings or just sitting there thinking and looking sad. The doctor came out and said that family members could go see her so Nash and Hayes stood up and followed the doctor to her room.

Hayes's POV

I was so sad right now I've been crying for hours I can't believe that happened. Once I saw Chris laying on that hospital bed looking pale and skinnier than usual I started crying again and so did Nash we both walked over to her and she instantly smiled it made me smile. She was always so happy even when she's laying in a hospital and has a chance of dying, she's smiling. The doctor than went out of the room so we could talk to her. Hey I said hi she replied. Nash started to tell her about what happened last night invade she didn't remember because she hit her head too. As he said 'stabbed' I started to cry and so did he. Then the doctor came in she gave Chris some pain killers then talked about how long she will have to stay here and if she will live or not. She will be staying here for another 5 days luckily she didn't get stabbed that deep so she will be ok she will just need stitches and then she will be ok the doctor said. She then left the room and said that now she can see other people but only one or two people at a time so we decided to go get Sammie and Rory since they were her best friends.

Sammie's POV

Hayes came back with red puffy eyes I ran over and hugged him. He the. Said that me and Rory could go see her and that she will need to stay here another 5 days and she will need stitches but she will no ok since the stab wound wasn't that deep. I then went to her room and saw her laying there and I started to cry because my best friend is laying there looking lifeless but yet is still managing to use enough strength to put a smile on her face. Then me and Rory walked over to her bed and started to talk to her not about last night but about all of the happy memories we shared together. Just seeing her smile made me smile.

Rory's POV
Once I walked into the room tears instantly flooded out of my eyes. Me and Sammie then walked over by her bed and started to talk about all of the good memories we shared like when we were in 6th grade and basically all she would talk about is this boy she was obsessing over. It made us all laugh and smile it felt good to actually be happy because ever since last night all I have been doing is been worried and been crying. After we talked for about an 1 or so we left that way other people could see her. We got into the waiting room and we told Matt that he should go see her he's been worried sick and all of us knew that they liked each other even taylor.

Matt's POV
I walked into her room and tried my hardest to keep my tears In and be strong but I couldn't just seeing her laying there wishing it was me instead of her she didn't deserve this. I walked over to the side of her bed and sat down... Listen Chris there's something I've been meaning to tell you well ever since I saw you I thought you were so perfect and the most beautiful person I have ever seen and well umm once you get out of the hospital I was wondering would you umm want to go on a date with me I asked? Of course I would I love you so much she said. I love you too I replied.

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