Sun and Moon and Y/n ESCAPE My Friendly Neighborhood

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Nobody's POV
Moon:We don't need you hints now
Sun:We can figure that ourselves we're geniuses. That mouse is very irresistible Resistant
Sun:Don't,Shut Up
*Intro to the Sun and Moon and Y/n show*
Moon:Hello boys and girls welcome back to the sun and moon and y/n show
Sun:Ah good to be here again we're continuing our little playthrough of I forgot the name again
Moon:My friendly neighborhood brother
Sun:My friendly neighborhood which is still rather these guys are not friendly at all I just realised that they are not friendly whatsoever
Moon:Correct I would hate to see the bad side of the neighborhood
Sun:Oh now if you guys missed it we did play the first part of this demo and you can see it on the channel if you just scroll down a little bit
Moon:We're just gonna get right into it I'd say
Sun:Last time we dealt with uh that giant puppet thing right?
Y/n:Yes and we've gotten through all of this so far

Sun:And now we're in the sewers Moon:We still have a lot to backtrack too Sun:I think our main goal is to try and get the elevator to work Y/n:We need keys Sun:What do the keys even do? Moon:They open this which I'm assuming for the power oh this ...

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Sun:And now we're in the sewers
Moon:We still have a lot to backtrack too
Sun:I think our main goal is to try and get the elevator to work
Y/n:We need keys
Sun:What do the keys even do?
Moon:They open this which I'm assuming for the power oh this is the diamond door
Sun:Is that the door you came from out before?
Moon:It's locked
Sun:It has an exit huh we could probably escape if we don't manage to open that one up wait why is the exit door locked? that's a fire hazard!
Moon:Hello mouse
Sun:Please don't shoot it
Moon:hmm *shoots right next to the mouse*
Sun:No no you missed see that is fate telling you not to shoot the mouse
Moon:You live for now
Sun:Thank you is that one of them dead?
Moon:I think *banging on some door* augh
Sun:Oh i jumped a little bit there
Moon:It's locked with an electric lock
Sun:An electric lock oh you can see where the wire goes
Moon:Oh oh
Gordon:Strange kind of breaker box.
Moon:A breaker box?
Sun:That's a breaker box?
Moon:That's a bad breaker box
Sun:Okay so now we gotta find breakers?
Moon:Oh here oh the key

 Moon:A breaker box? Sun:That's a breaker box? Moon:That's a bad breaker box Sun:Okay so now we gotta find breakers? Moon:Oh here oh the key

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Sun:Okay we'll grab the key we're going to investigate those lock boxes now are they lock boxes basically lock boxes
Moon:I.. don't trust this puppet *shoots at the puppet*
Y/n:Yeah me either
Sun:I don't either I have a feeling that's going to get up and just Staranwälte do they strangle you?
Moon:They've been pushing me over
Moon:So this one is for the heart is for three oh we have to memorize them
Y/n:Yeah but that is easy not an problem with me
Sun:We might as well put it in now then don't worry brother I shall write this down for you when we get to the other boxes wait I have an idea you see those you see those shapes on the doors?
Sun:What if we put the breakers in it and it unlocks those doors?
Moon:That would make a lot of sense
Sun:We need to find the other breakers we found them all over the factory so far last time we were here didn't you say you got you're got stuck here or something? Wait what?
Moon:Uh I
Sun:Oh you were up here
Moon:Yeah no I'm stuck
Moon:Eat letters alphabet soup
Y/n:Haha yeah eat that alphabet soup hahah
Sun:Oh good good good
Moon:Okay yeah no we're not using the 18 shot no that's not happening
Sun:You say that one from bigger groups(yeah I know bigger groups don't make sense but that's what I heard) maybe you can climb the palette on the left?
That's not a Palette oh
Sun:Oh yes
Moon:You are the smartest brother
Sun:It's very creepy just hearing them like muttering sputtering talking and all that
Moon:Oh absolutely
Moon:What sometimes you would what?
Sun:What did he say
Sun:Oh no
Moon:He said sometimes they would swap their arms
Sun:Oh! Okay?
Moon:There's two of them
Sun:That's weird
Moon:Also I noticed at the end of the last video whenever
Sun:Could you let him finish?
Moon:Whenever I've gotten to one of those toolbox things I knew that you were gonna be there at some point well
Sun:It's okay you used one letter I think one of theme's coming for you literally right now just let him be oh right this is probably one way to go
Moon:There's a second way to get out
Sun:Oh yes right you can use that you could use the boat escaping you know I wonder who put a speed boat in the sewer of all places
Moon:I don't know?
Sun:It's confusing to me
Sun:A Speed boat
Moon:There's Möbelpacker boxes
Sun:Wasn't there one in the room or something?
Moon:In here? You
Sun:Wait do you think we're gonna need to the Theater that has like 20 of these guys
Moon:They're probably gone right?
Sun:I hope you're right
Moon:Where's that locked?
Sun:Did you not hear what that guy just said?
Sun:When he's angry he feasts upon the tears of his enemies maybe you share some
Sun:More similarities than you'd hear that
Moon:*shoots a guy*
Sun:Oh nice shot
Moon:Suck it nerd so diamond is in two
Sun:Diamond two
Moon:I don't like them they're freaky
Sun:Terrifying even
Sun and Moon:Ricky
Sun:He's not answering
Sun:Well he is a bit of a jerk
Moon:ah You
Sun:You welp time to go left
Moon:Yep the good thing is that he's slow
Sun:He is very slow
Moon:Hold on? Uh I'm walking away before I look at anything
Sun:Yeah you probably should
Sun:The only thing I fear now is that that place still Fill to the brim
Moon:Uh? One is in this hall, puppet storage oh great we gotta go back to that creepy room the locker room
Sun:Oh no you're right that puppet storage area
Moon:And the hangout by the punch card machines the hangout by the punch card machine is this way

Sun and Moon show x y/n (Not posting for a while) Where stories live. Discover now