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i stare in disbelief.
"how is this possible-?" i mutter out, as i stare at the plushie and bring it closer to me. i examine it and poke it a few times.
"is this thing haunted or something?" i say as i look at it. i sigh and pet the soft fabric on its head.
"huh? why does it feel wet? could that be from when i was crying?" i raise an eyebrow, "so this thing appeared right as i fell asleep i guess..? weird.."
i hug it before i get out of bed. i look at it on my bed as i stand at the doorway of my room.
"hmmm...." i say staring at the plush. i sigh in defeat, "gahh no one would believe me even if i tried explaining this.. maybe i'm just sleep deprived and starting to lose my mind," i laugh slightly, trying to convince myself it's all in my head. i look at the cat on the bed as i leave my room and head to the kitchen.
"it's gotten pretty late, and i feel like i probably should start forcing myself into a regular routine.. plus i'm kinda hungr- wait a sec-!" on my way to the kitchen i stop in my tracks. "w-what was that thing.. mafu said...?"

i have a sudden flashback of his words when we were talking about who got to keep the plush, "well, i'll definitely sneak by and borrow it from time to time, haha, so if it ever goes missing, don't worry, i'll bring it back soon", my eyes widen and i quickly turn around and run back to my room. i enter my room but the cat was gone.
"no way.. how is this possible..? mafu?! are you here?!" i yell out. silence. as expected. "okay, i am definitely losing my mind," i say as i put my hand to my forehead and scan the room again. the cat wasn't there. my stomach rumbles and i sigh, "maybe if i'll eat something these hallucinations or whatever this is will stop..."
i walk to the kitchen slowly. none of this is making any sense, i think to myself. i stare at the ground, deep in thought as i walk down the hall of my house. i enter the kitchen and look up.
my eyes widen at the sight. the cat was placed on the counter, looking right at me. i take a step back and gulp, "w-what-?"
i look around frantically, "is there someone in my house?! hello?!! whoever this is, this isn't funny!!!" i shout out then look back at the cat and sigh.
"alright, cat, or ghost who's moving this cat, what's going on?!" i say with attitude, "hmm alright well, let's try something.." i pause to think.
"move to the table if you're a.. ghost..? or.. something.. i don't know-" i say pointing to the kitchen table. i stand and stare at the cat, waiting. nothing happens.
"hmm, do i need to look away?" i say turning my back to the cat, "this is crazy, as if this will actually hel- hang on," i interrupt myself after hearing the sound of something being placed gently.
i turn around quickly to see the cat plush sitting on the kitchen table, where i told it to go.
"i-i..? how is this possible? mafu?! is this you?!! if it's you, uhh...? put the cat on top of the fridge! if not then..? put it, on the.. floor..?" i say as i turn around again. i wait a few seconds before turning back.
my eyes widen and i gasp. the cat was placed on top of the fridge.
"m-mafu..?" i say starting to tremble, "is this true..? how is it possible.. you've turned into the cat..? or? you're just, able to move it aroundd...?"
the cat was on the fridge, unresponsive.
"agh, okay, um.. hmmm... go back to the kitchen table if you've turned into the cat, and go on the counter if you're just controlling it and able to..? move it around..?" i say with a bit a of confusion in my voice. i turn around, waiting for it to move.
i turn back and it was placed on the counter.
"so.. y-you're really here right now..? l-like.. as a ghost..?" i stutter out, trying to understand.
i don't understand, but.. i want to understand, i think to myself.
"mafu, is it okay if i ask you some questions? or.. would you rather me not..? please don't feel pressured or anything! i'm just.. curious, as you can imagine. and i've missed you so much and i-.. and well, i understand this is difficult for you as well, which is why i'm also more than okay holding off on the questions right now. so uh,,, put the cat on the table if you're okay answering some questions, or put it on the floor if you'd rather not right now," i say and i turn around once more.
i wait a few seconds then turn back. the cat was directly behind me on the floor.
"hmm, yeah that's okay, mafu. i understand!" i say picking up the cat and placing it on the counter as i prepare some lunch for myself.

i open the fridge and grab some leftover food i have. i grab a plate and start putting some on there. i stop suddenly, and start crying without realizing.
"a-ah.." i mutter out as tears spill effortlessly out of my eyes. i sniffle, "i'm sorry mafumafu.. i am so sorry.." i crouch down and put my head against the cabinets of the counter, sobbing.
i try to catch my breath and calm down, but it was very hard.
i laugh through the tears slightly, "you probably hate seeing me like this, and im so sorry.. i just... i just miss you so much.." i sob with my eyes closed tight, "i don't want you seeing me like this.. im sorry.. but.. im just so lonely here without yo-huhh...?" i look to my side and see the cat plush on the floor beside me, looking at me. even more tears flood my eyes and i hug the plush tightly,
"i wish you were here mafu," i say, "or well, i know you're here but... well, you know what i mean.. agh.. i just hope you're not suffering anymore. i miss you more than anything.." i sigh shakingly.


i stare at my food turning in the microwave.
sighh... while i wait i might as well set the tabl-, i think to myself but as i turn around i notice the table was already set.
"whA?! hang on?!" i sigh, "mafu, you don't have to do things for me.. i appreciate it but, please don't worry about me.. i'm alright." i say looking at the fork and knife placed carefully on top of a folded napkin, with a glass of water off to the side as well.

i tear up again, "thank you mafu..."


cats don't always land on their feet (soraru and mafumafu story)Where stories live. Discover now