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Hi everyone!

It's been a minute, hasn't it?

I've been getting so many kind comments from you all asking me to complete this story, so I'll do my best to get some chapters for you all out mid December!

I'll be gone until around the 10th and won't have internet, but I'll see what I can write while I'm gone and post when I get back.

Part of why I haven't updated is because I was hoping Season 3 would've been out by now. I'd like to plan the ending of this story in relation to what the pogues are going through in season 3.

I will however be gone from January until the end of April, so there will be no updates during that time (hopefully that will be the period season 3 comes out so when I return I will be able to complete Mind Over Matter quickly!)

Anyways, I'm rambling.

Thank you for all the love! I'll talk to all of you in about a week or two!

Ky x

Mind Over Matter ⇀ John B Routledge [2]Where stories live. Discover now