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Ever since, Emma and Killian helped Ava and Nicholas find a home with her parents,' Henry has been happier at school since he has friends. Ava and Nicholas would walk home with Henry and spend time with the baby twins. Emma was happy her son finally has friends. The family dinners on Sundays, are bigger with Ava and Nicholas. Ruth is happy to have more grandchildren to spoil.

Killian Jr has been crying more than usual. Emma had her son in her arms. "Baby, why are you crying?" Killian was in the other room with Hope. She checked her son's body to see if he has a fever, his stomach was red and his tummy has a bump. "KILLIAN!!" Emma rushes to her husband, "We need to take Ian to the hospital, now!!!"

Killian sees his son. "I am driving, love." The couple rushed the twins to the hospital. Kilian was driving as Emam was holding onto her son, who was crying. Hope was crying.

Emma goes out of the car with her son inside the hospital as Killian gets Hope from the car. "Help!! Help!! My son....."

Victor rushes to Emma and Ian. Killian and Hope arrive inside. He examines the baby quickly noticing his stomach was not normal. "Looks, like Killian Jr. needs to have his hernia fixed. I will take him."


"He needs surgery to fix his hernia."

"Victor, Hope is crying too." He shows him Hope's tummy.

"Both of them need their hernia repair." He looks at a nurse. "I need to prepare two operating rooms. Both of these babies need surgery. Prep Killian Jr first. Then prep Hope." He lead the husband and wife to a room. Killian Jr was wailing as he was being prepped for surgery. Emma was holding Hope.

"Ian... Ian..." He let his son hold his hook. Ian cries lessen. "Dada is here. Everything is going to be okay son." Ian coos. "You will go to sleep, victor will fix your tummy. When you wake up, you will be with Dada and Mommy."

Emma sits on the other side. She lets her son hold her finger. "Ian, you will feel better soon, baby boy." Ian looks at his Mommy. Emma smiles. "Mama is here." Hope coos. "Hope is here, baby."

She puts Hope next to Ian. They held hands. Emma and Killian were both in awe.

Victor arrived wearing scrubs. "Killian, Emma, Ian will feel better soon. A nurse will help Hope prep for surgery."

"Can I be with her?"

"Yes. I will come to her room when I am finished with Killian Jr's surgery."

Emma rubs her son's hand. "Ian, Mama will be with your when you wake up." She kisses her son on the head. "I love you so much." She takes Hope from her brother. Hope fusses. "You will be next to Ian soon."

"Save our son."

"He will be okay, Emma." Killian follows Victor and Ian to the surgery room. "Killian, Killian Jr. will be out of surgery soon." Dr.Whale takes Ian into emergency surgery. Killian began crying his baby boy needs surgery.

Emma was crying when a nurse was preparing Hope for her surgery after her twin brother. "Hopey, Hope." Hope looks at her Mommy. "Mama is here." She puts her daughter in her arms. " You are my sunshine My only sunshine,You make me happy, When sky's are grey, You'll never know, dear, How much I love you, Please don't take my sunshine away..." Hope looks at her Mommy and coos. Emma continues singing to her daughter.

Killian finds a telephone. He calls the sheriff's station. David answered, "Sheriff's station. This is David."


"Killian, what is going on?" He knew his best friend and son-in-law was upset.

"Ian and Hope are getting surgeries done to fix their hernia. Ian is first."

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