Going back to the legends and the hunter comes after us

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A few weeks later Sara and I met up with the others because we all wanted to help save the world throughout Time. After a minute Rip came and we all get on the ship again. We get back to work and one day Mick had yo be left behind for some reason. A month later a hunter came after us which resulted in Kendra and Carter's son's death. When the hunter started going after our younger selves Sara and I got ours together. I was checking on myself and she says, "Do we ever tell Sara how we feel?" I smiled and I said, "Yes and we marry her." I showed her the ring and she was happy about it. When the hunter was defeated we took our younger selves back to where we got them before anyone noticed that they were missing and I hugged Sara as we watched our younger selves run off holding hands. After awhile we got to the timekeepers HQ and we were captured. They planned on killing us and for the first time in my life I was terrified. Soon Chronos came in and it was revealed to be Mick which shocked everyone. We managed to escape and Snart sacrificed his life for us. As soon as we got on the ship Rip made it so we all landed in different times and I was so happy that I was in a time with Sara. Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours, hours turned into days, days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, months turned into years and we slowly forgot about our families except for each other. When someone brought the team back together I was happy to see everyone and I said, "Where's Rip and who's the new guy?" I gave Mick a hug who surprisingly gave me a hug and Ray says, "This is Nate. He brought us all back together. We are searching for Rip at the moment." We found him but he thought he was just a writer and we had to convince him that we were real. As soon as we got him back we were all happy because our team was together again and Sara was made Captain because she knew more about the time ship than any of us.

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