Still can't dishearten her

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"Boss, the Oberois have the got the news. And as you have expected Rishi and Ayush are approaching towards Solace."

Rishab smirked listening to his secretary, Yash. The Oberois are indeed fools. They can do nothing except taking advantage of the innocent. He told, "Make sure the Bajwas and Oberois do not come face to face till I need. The jerk enters here on his own but can not leave till I allow."

Yash left to complete his other works to the office while Rishab sat down to check the progress in his business. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. 

Rishab looked up and saw Lakshmi peeking inside, smiling. Seeing that he had looked up, she asked "Can I get in?" 

"Get in", Rishab said with a straight face. Lakshmi tiptoed inside and dragged a chair to sit infront of Rishab. With the smile still intact on her face and eyes full of hope, she queried "Do you remember me?"

"Do I know you?"

Hearing Rishab's reply, Lakshmi's heart broke into a million pieces. She never had such absurd expectations before. She thought "Why the hell did I come here? He meets so many people everyday. Its impossible to remember me." 

"Where are you from?"


Lakshmi's voice was now dull. Sadness was clearly evident on her face.

"Aren't you the girl who threw me down the stairs?"

Lakshmi's face lit up. She got so much excited that she shouted "Exactly." Realising the mess she had created by her illogical behaviour, she quickly reformed,sat on the chair politely and said in a soft tone "I am here to apologize for my past action. It was just a little mistake of a school girl. I hope you won't judge me and we can have a happy and healthy relation hereafter." Saying so, she ran out of the room even before letting Rishab answer. 

Leaning against the wall, Rishab thought "No matter how much I try, I can never see you sad. You are still the innocent, impulsive, mischievous Lakshmi Bajwa. Even I am looking forward to our relation."

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