Chapter 7: y/n's adventure book

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Kate POV

I left Yelena's room after I placed the duvet over y/n and walked into my room because I still had this idea in my head. 

I looked in my room and found what I was looking for. I found a little, light purple book with empty pages and thought that I could make something out of it.

I grabbed some pens and wrote on the cover 'y/n's adventure book'. My idea was that she is gonna write some things she wants to do in this book and we are gonna do it with her. And for the memories we are also gonna add a picture of it and every little adventure gets its own page. 

Like today. She wanted to watch Inside Out, we watched it with her and luckily I snapped a picture at the cinema.

I grabbed her adventure book and walked with it to the others. They were all still sitting there and I entered their conversation. Yelena asked me if y/n like the day and I told her that she loved it. 

I started speaking again and said "When we were at the park, an idea came into my mind." I looked around and saw that they were waiting for me to continue. So I continued "My idea was, that y/n is gonna tell some of us, a thing she wants to do. Then we are gonna write it in this book." I pointed at the book in my hand. "And somebody of us is gonna do it with her. Then we are also gonna take a picture for the memories and every little adventure gets its own page. And the person who did it with her, gets to design the page. So what do you think of y/n's adventure book?"

I waited for their responses and luckily they all liked my idea. They all thought it was great and that it would be fun for her too.

"Okay, so we're gonna tell her tomorrow about this book." I told them and they all nodded. 

They all went into different directions and headed to their rooms. I also headed to mine and I couldn't help but design the first page in the book. When I finished, I layed down in my bed and I was really proud of my idea.

The next morning arrived really fast and I headed to the kitchen to get something to eat. After I finished breakfast, y/n and Lena were finally awake and they were walking into the kitchen too. 

When everybody was there, I decided to tell y/n about the book. 

"So angel, yesterday a great idea came into my mind. You really wanted to watch Inside Out so we watched Inside Out with you. I came up with the idea of y/n's adventure book." I announced while I was holding the book in my hands and y/n was chuckling because of the name. "Everything you want to do, you are gonna tell somebody in the compound and they are being forced to write it into this book. The book is always laying on the shelf in the living room so everybody has access to it. Then when the person did that adventure with you, they are gonna design a page. Every little adventure has its own page. We are also gonna take a picture of the adventure and glue it onto the page. So what do you think of that idea?" I asked her and hoped that she liked the idea.

The massive smile on her face already told us that she loved the idea but she still yelled excited "I LOVE THIS IDEA, AUNT KATE!" We all started laughing and I opened the book to show her the page I made for yesterday.

They were all looking at it to get an idea of what I was talking about.

Tony then looked at y/n and asked her "Do you already have some ideas, kiddo?" She thought for a moment and said "Yeah, I do." We were all chuckling at her response and Tony grabbed the book from me and grabbed a pen.

He wrote down everything she wanted to do. When she ran out of ideas, he closed the book and placed it down on the shelf in the living room.

The reason why everybody should have access to it, is, so you could see what she added to her list.

Author's note:
This one is a bit short but I wanted to make this chapter about the adventure book.
What do we think about y/n's adventure book?
If you have some ideas for the adventures, just write them down. It would definitely help me.

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