[Double Trouble] Kou & Teru

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(this was requested from one of my favs, don't think I usually do requests tho, I only did it cause I like reading their comments )

( Sorry for my bad grammar that y'all have to put up with lmao )

( This is a sibling rivalry story, where crazy versions of Teru and Kou fight over the readers heart, (eventually merges into a team up at the end?)

"Good evening L/N."

Came a devilishly handsome voice from behind you, startling you and making your spine run cold for a second. The familiar voice of one of the minamotos was not what you expected to hear from behind you at your local grocery store.

You smiled warily, turning around to face the sibling you weren't too close to. He was wheeling a shopping cart toward you, the wheels screeching as they halted beside you, the boy offering a friendly smile as you swallowed dramatically.

You swiftly grabbed a box of cereal off for the shelf, the box creasing as your grip loosened when you dropped it in your cart. You were blatantly ignoring him.

The truth was, you weren't exactly too fond of the eldest of the three, he was to cold and popular for your liking. The way he was spoiled rotten by everyone at school didn't sit right with you, especially for a teenager.

You could get along with his younger one though, Kou.

There was a lot of great things about Kou. He could cook AMAZINGLY, he was extremely Loyal, his hair was adorable. Not to mention his smile, it was so warm and welcoming. His whole aura was so friendly.

You started to blush, you were getting ahead of yourself...

You coughed, zooming around the isle and out of Terus sight, attempting to avoid any more interaction with classmates that night.

You weren't exactly the most social person in the world, tending to avoid anyone who could draw further attention to you then what you wanted.

And Teru was definently one of those people.

You attempted
To hurry to the checkout, wanting to get out of the store knowing a popular upperclassman was wandering around.

You wheeled your cart around the isle, the wheels squeaking unbearably against the ground as you speed walked away from the section Teru lingered in.

Your hair bounced gently around your shoulders as you were almost at the cash register, your feet spinning as you turned to wait in line, a hand grabbing front of your cart as you pulled in.

"Hey, Y/n!"

Said a familiar, cheerful voice. Your eyes lit up as you changed sight. You were no longer looking at the cold lonely, ground. You were staring into the eyes of none other than Kou Minamoto.

You smiled, he smiled back.

"Hey there, Kou. Here with the devil?"

You joked, raising an eyebrow as you smriked mischievously at him.

He gasped, pretending to be surprised as he countered,

"How did you know? He disappeared a while ago, saying he had to go check something out. He might be stealing, or vandalizing the shelf's."

He said in a sarcastic tone.

"Who knows, he's probably practicing dark magic.."

You wiggled your fingers in his face, causing him to bring his hand up and slap them away carefully.

"The only dark magic I'm practicing is buying food for dinner."

Came a the same deep voice from earlier, the charming, yet terrifying one.

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