1) going to my new neighbor hood.

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You look out the window seeing so much colors "wow.. the colors look so beautiful!" You said.

Maybe my neighbor hood isn't that bad? Who knows it's my first time here

"Mom? Is this our house?" You reached over to your mother.

"Yup.. this is the only house for sell" she turns off the car by twisting the keys.

You jumped out the car in excitement, you looked over at my next door neighbors who was watering their plants.

"I wonder what's his name" you said while walking towards the door.

You flung the door open to see the shiny, clean house, you turned shocked

You walked in the house doing spin's.

"Mom! I love it here already!" You said while spinning around almost breaking stuff.

"Y/n! Stop spinning so much, you're going to break something" as you're mother yelled.

You stopped spinning around, seeing the door with your mother inside

"Sorry!" You run upstairs anyways.

She sighs then started walking towards the kitchen which was so big.

You looked in every single room seeing which one You'll take.

"I'll take this one" you said as you walk in the room with nothing inside

You walked around the room seeing so much space

"I'll definitely get used to this room" you said while smiling

There was a knock at you're front door

You get out of you're room hearing your mother yell "y/n! Can you open the door"

You ran down the stairs and flung open the door

"Hello!" You said to the man who looked very handsome

"A-ah.. hello you must be my new neighbor right?" He said while holding food in his hands

You look at the food in his hands than looked at him

It started to get awkward.. "uh.. do you need anything?" You said tilting your head on the right

He looks around then looks at his hands

"O-oh! I was going to give this to you guys!" He said while smiling

He hands you the food which looked very delicious.

"Thank you sir!" You said almost shutting the door

"W-wait!" He holds the door trying to ask me a question

"W-what is it?" You said while holding the food in your arms.

"Call me Jin or seokjin please" he bows.

"O-okay!" You closed the door and walked away

You walked near the kitchen with your mother still inside

"Who was it Honey?" Your mother said while unrapping the food she has in her bag

"It was our nextdoor neighbor" you placed down the food on the counter.

Your mother looked at the food than looked at you

"He gave you that?" She said while staring at you

"He gave it to both of us" he placed you hands in my pockets

"We should invite him for dinner!" Your mother said while putting the food in the fridge

"What if he's busy? I mean I wouldn't disturb him if I was you" you chuckled softly, while smiling.

"Well? If he's not busy than we can invite him" you're mother said while smiling

You groaned because you didn't even know him yet

"We don't even know him that well!" You said while whining

"Why don't you put you're stuff in you're room and go think about it" your mother stared at you while smiling.

You walk up the stairs disappointed

"Why does this woman want to invite a random person?" You said to yourself.

You didn't have a bed yet so you had to use a mattress Which was uncomfortable, you placed your pillow and blankets on it

You put my phone on the ground charging

You head out of your room to go outside

You walk down stairs hearing your mother on the phone

You shrug your shoulders and open the door.

The weather felt so good, the sun was shining and the grass felt soft.

You looked at Jins house and he wasn't outside

You see a man knocking on his door. He looked tall, handsome, and good looking. The man smiles as Jin hugs him

"Maybe that's his boyfriend?"you said to yourself

He grabs the man's hand bringing him inside.

You kept staring that them "what am I doing?" You said to yourself.

"Their probably older then me" you said.

Minutes later you go outside again.

It was half dark.

You see the man you saw earlier, what was they doing?

You saw Jin holding the man, he must be drunk, I mean people who are almost falling are drunk right?

Who knows they might've drinked so much where he almost fell

Jin glanced at you then looked away.

Was he staring at me? Why would he stare at me..

Jin was trying to get his best friend who was drunk in the car

"Aish! Get in the damn car!" He said while scolding him

The man was mumbling, what was it? You couldn't hear. It was too quiet.

You kept looking and Jin cought you

"Damn it.." you mumbled.

Jin walks over to the driver side then gets in

You wonder where he's going

Maybe he dropping the man off to his house? Who knows but I'm going back inside it's getting more colder.

You open your door when cold air hits you.

You hurried back in before it gets much colder.

You started to cough after you got in

"Am I sick? How long have I been out there." You started to mumble random stuff..

"Who knows but I need to check my temperature before it gets worse." You said going to the kitchen trying to find your mom's purse.

You take a temperature from your mother's bag then put it in your head.


Hm. It says your fever is normal.. why did you cough? That's weird. You only cough when your sick.

Maybe the cold air got in your throat? Probably.

Who knows?. You wonder when you'll get you're new bed, but that's not what you're worried about anyways

Your worried about your temperature.

Oh well. we'll see when your mother tells you.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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my neighbors best friend. (reader x Namjoon and Jin)Where stories live. Discover now