Chapter 1 (NOT FINISHED)

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WARNING!! THIS CHAPTER IS NOT FINISHED YET! I just published it because I have a lack of inspiration and I wanna know what you think about it yet.

(For your imagination the picture above is the Larry I am writing about ;))
Warning: I am not a directioner when they were together so if I am wrong about something PLEASE correct me so I can learn and correct! Have fun reading xxx
Also English is not my first language so I am open to be corrected by the grammar police :)

I have the biggest crush on this boy. He is one of the most popular boys here in school. I always imagined him being my boyfriend. But sadly I am definitely sure he is straight. He has a girlfriend since the first year. They are the "IT" couple of the school. I know everything about him. His name is Harry Edward Styles. He is 16 years old and he has a younger sister named Gemma Styles. His birthday is February 1st. He loves to listen to music and sing. He is part of a school choir as a lead singer. It's called "The White Eskimo". I actually tried to be part of the choir but obviously everyone said: "Louis Tomlinson?! Who even is that guy?!" So yeah... I am pretty invisible.

I am actually also into music. But I am more of songwriter rather than a singer. I don't sound bad but I don't have the nerve to sing in public and I am not the best. Lately the songs I have written are perfectly for the choir. It's written from a girls perspective. If I only could convince a girl that would give Harry my songs for me without him knowing it's me...

After a night not being able to sleep and making up a plan how to befriend a girl without her thinking:
A) that I am trying to flirt with her. You know how it goes with girls.
B) that I have a crush on Harry
C) that I am crazy. But rather that than all the above.

There is this one girl named Ruby who is always nice to me. I tried to befriend her before but things got awkward. She often asks how I am doing and if I look a little down she is there to support me. I don't know why. But I kinda like that.

I stand in front of my locker - which is obviously the highest locker since I am the shortest boy in school - when Ruby walks by.
I call her name and she answers: "Hey Louis haven't seen you around anymore!" Obviously since I am invisible.
"Well I haven't skipped a class in a while so I have been around actually." I nervously laugh.
"Well you're pretty short as well so..." great work Louis. We're awkward again. Now you have to get straight to the point.
"You know... uuuhhmm I've been wondering..." I start.
"And after that! My sister told my mom that me and Olivia had sex! Like I would ever cheat on Kylie." It's Harry. Damn.

'Hey tiny! I am inviting the whole school for a party at my place! If you want you're invited as well!' Harry says. I am standing there shocked. This is the very first sentence Harry ever said to me. He called me tiny but I don't care. I reply: "Uuuhhmmm I- I-... c-can't... I have homework..." Shit. Louis why? Why? WHYYY did you have to say that!

'Well too bad! Anyways studynerds are not invited cause its no place for homework.' He says as he walks away.
'I don't know about you Louis but I am going to that party. Live a little!' Ruby says.
'I don't know what that was. I actually wanted to go but I suddenly froze and now I regret what I said.'
'Why did you froze than?'
'I don't know! It just happened!'
'Whatever. We are late for class.' She says and we walk to class.
Luckily the class doesn't take that long. I wrote down a plan to convince Ruby to sing my song for Harry.

Before I knew I am shopping with Ruby. She really needed some new clothes for the party.
'Louis I think this fits better than the other one. I am not sure...' Ruby is wearing a tight black dress that makes her posture visible. Ruby has actually the perfect body posture. She has the ass and the boobies. And her weight is exactly in between. Just healthy.
'What is your goal Ruby? Do you wanna take a hit on Harry?'
'No, but there is this boy I really love. I am definitely falling for him. I talked to him and he is definitely single.'
I walk around the shop and notice Kylie walking with her friends. It's the gang again of 3 girls. Basically the assistants of Kylie. I don't know the names of her friends at all and I don't want to know.
'It's almost Harry and my one year anniversary! Can you believe me!' I watch them as they walk into a Starbucks across this shop.
'What are you buying him Kylie?'
'I think I am ordering a crafted necklace with Kylie and Harry. Or maybe matching ones. So we can carry each other!'
I have no idea what to think about that.
'Louis! Where are you!'
Oh shit.
'I am here!'
'What do you think about this black leather pants and this crop top?'
'You're the sexy woman at the party. Killing it in that outfit. I'd say that is a yes.'
As we check out I walk past the Starbucks. I can hear the gang of Kylie laughing over here.
'Oh hey Louis come sit over here!'
'Or doesn't your girlfriend want to sit with us?'
'Louis we don't have to.' Ruby says.
'Listen, Ruby is not my girlfriend. And no I don't want to sit with you bitches.'

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