My highschool bully pt.4 🩹🦴🚬🔆

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A/N: TW: self harm, cigarettes, little mention on ED.

Juicy's POV:
I wake up at 7am. I didn't get much sleep last night well at least it felt like not much. I drag myself out of bed and to the Broken shower. It takes a while to warm up so I put it on whilst I reached for my blades. I make cuts on my bicep I knew the pain in the shower would hurt but I don't care. I cut and cut. I shower and brush my teeth. I bandage my arm. I realise I'm running late so I rush to the fridge to grab a monster and my pack of cigs off the counter and head to school. I can't wait.

I put in my headphones and walk to school.

I arrive at hell. I went to form again my teacher stopped me after. "Come on then." She says I lift up my sleeves. "Okay free to go." She says. "Yes miss." I say walking off. I see Eddie is waiting for me outside. "Oh god." I mutter leaving the room. "Hey Gaege what was that about?" Asks Eddie. "Nothing." I reply. "That didn't look like nothing." He says. "What do you want Eddie?" I sigh. "Follow me." He says. I go with him, I don't want to but I know if I don't he'll beat me.

He took me to the roof, I though that it was only me who knew how to get there. I wonder if he's going to push me off or threaten me or beat me up til I can't walk no more. I was wrong.

"A little birdy told me you've got drugs." He says. SHIT This isn't good.  "Is Gaege a druggy?" He asks. I just look down. I can't look him in the eyes. "Well? I asked you a question didn't I?" "I-I mean sometimes." I reply. "Well can you get me some?" He asks. That took a turn definitely not what I expected. "Urm- I guess." "Okay what you got them at your house or smt?" "Yeah there at mine." I mumble.

"Alright meet me here after school." He explains. I nod. "Oh and Gaege if you tell a single soul about this conversation you won't ever be able to move a muscle ever agian. You understand?" "Mhm." I nod again. "Speak up." He stepped closer towards me as he towers over. I look up at him. "I understand." I spoke up this time. He smelt so good his masculine body was inches away from me. I feel myself blush.

"Good see you later." He puts his hands on my shoulders and looks me dead in the eye then he smacks my bicep. "Ah." I took a sharp breath in. He looks at me confused. "You good?" He asks. "Yep all good." I say. I head of to first period after recovering from that conversation.

The school day goes by Eddie left me alone mostly. It was really awkward when I was with the boys. I just walked off and went to the roof.

The bell goes it's the end of the day. Finally.

I head to the roof. Honestly I was nervous. Eddie was already there waiting for me. "Let's go he says." I follow him down the ladder.  We head back to my place. It's quite just cars are the only noise. I get my pack of cigs from my pocket and my lighter. I put a cig between my lips. I cover the lighter with my hand and light the cig. "Want one?" I ask. "Yeah go on then."

Eddie takes a cig from the pack and places it between his lips and I light it for him. He inhaled and exhales. Dear. god. I thought "Thanks dawg." He says.

On the rest of walk back to mine we don't speak we don't talk. We just walk side by side in silence with our cigs. Our hands suddenly brush together. He didn't move his, he didn't pull back, so neither did I. He linked his pinky finger with mine. I blushed so hard.

We got to my apartment door. "Just so you know it's not the nicest place in the world." I say. I open the door and Eddie walks in. I can tell by the look on his face he's surprised.

A/N: That's it for this chapter lmk if you want more. What do you think will happen? Could Eddie and Juicy possibly have something?

Word count:  748

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