☆by the ♪ bus stop☆

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"fuck shit balls" yanfei thought as she ran to the bus stop "im gonna be late to the debate session!!" once yanfei reached the bus stop she searchs her bag, then she finds that she forgot her money, "oh shit" yanfei thought to herself. as yanfei was getting off the bus since she couldn't pay, she was stopped by a girl. the girl offered to pay the toll for yanfei and yanfei gratefully accepted. once on the bus yanfei thanked the girl and asked her name, the girl smiled brightly and said her name was hu tao!

hu tao was finally at the place where qiqi was gonna do her lil debate club thing panting, face beat red. "phsss whats so fun about debating, i mean listening to a long lecture from zhongli is more fun than this"! hutao wined. hu taos sister, qiqi was in the debate club since qiqi was younger hu tao had to watch over her so, she was at this dumb lil debate session. After qiqi completed her debate session and yoimiya left hu tao was so ready to leave, until qiqi begged hu tao to stay until the end. "cmon qiqi i wanna goooo!!!" hutao cried. "please hu hu lets stay i wanna learn from the older kids!! ill do anything,
ill do your chores for a week!!" qiqi exclaimed. "hmmn" hutao thought."i mean it is a good offer, ok fine ill stay" hu tao said sadly.

As the older kids did their debate sessions hu tao noticed something, she glanced at qiqi then looked back at the stage. "OHHH" hu tao thought
"that's who i recognized" hu tao said, as she looked at the pretty pink haired girl she helped at the bus earlier. "ya know id her hitt" hu tao said thinking qiqi couldnt hear her, but a second later qiqi stared at her and uttered the words "what the actual duck" , "ek"! hu tao screamed! "where did you learn those words qiqi"!! "idk" qiqi said with a smug. hutao nd qiqi started fighting only to realized that the session already ended.

Hu tao got up and started running qiqi chasing after, but then hu tao bumped into someone "ek"!  hu tao screamed, as she looked up to she that cute pink girl!! "oh it's you!" the cute pink girl added "thank you for the bus again"!! the cute pink girl said. "oh your welcome" hu tao said trying to act cool. "hu tao your not cool your very much pathetic" qiqis voice sprouted, the cute pink girl giggled, hu tao looked mad as she turned around and saw the cute pink girl's phone peeking out her pocket.

"Oh" hu tao said , "do you wanna exchange numbers " ? hu tao asked the cute pink girl
"hm"? the cute pink girl said " but you dont even know my name?" the cute pink girl asked
"ooh then tell me it"! hu tao said beaming!
"then my name is yanfei"! the cute pink girl said "ok then yanfei do you wanna exchange numbers" hu tao said bowing down, "mhm ok  lets exchange numbers, my number is
xxx-xxx-xxxx" yanfei told hu tao. hutao went to input the number to register yanfei's contact to her phone and looked at the time, "oh its already 5:34"? hu tao wined , "zhonglis gonna be mad if i arrive late" hu tao thought. "sorry gotta run yanfei!" hutao shouted at yanfei and winked while dragging the almost forgotten qiqi away.

once hu tao arrived home with qiqi, zhongli scolded her for being late, hu tao ran upstairs and met with her siblings as she wined "ughhhh zhonglis so strict grrr" hi tao screamed. her siblings heared her crying. ganyu came and tried to comfort her with things like "zhonglis just doings wants best for us"! "cheer up hu hu"!! while a little emo xiao is snickering at hu taos venting. after that hu tao takes a shower and eats dinner. once hu tao finished with dinner she goes to chat with the cute pink girl yanfei. hutao opens her phone and starts chatting away.

hutao:hi cutey!!

yanfei:hi? who is this?

hu tao: ehe well silly it is me

hu tao: hutao!!

yanfei: oh!!

yanfei: hi hu tao!!

hu tao: well how was the rest of ur day??

yanfei: good!! hbu

hutao: good!! but can i ask u a question??

yanfei: sure!!

hu tao: ok then can i give u a nickname that's easier ..

hu tao: like cutey?/j what abt yan tho??

yanfei:sure!! but i wouldn't mind u calling me cutey/j

hu tao:ok then yan!!

after that they chat for hours on end !!

tysm for reading!!
bye bye!! have a nice day/night
(777 words)

tysm for reading!!bye bye!! have a nice day/night(777 words)

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by the bus stop!! ☆yantao fanfic☆Where stories live. Discover now