New guild

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After having a short conservation with misaki aichi decided to go home. But before she leave misaki ask her one final question"hey aichi I was just wondering what magic do you use?"."um..... Well I um.... Use paladin magic" "paladin magic? I never heard about it what does it do? "misaki ask she never heard a magic like that before. "um well it can make form anything from light ,sword, shield, and more. "aichi said shyly but what she doesn't know is that the magic that she poses is one of the three legendary magic the other being dragon flame and shadow king. "so aichi how about we meet again here tomorrow I have something to show you"  misaki ask"okay"Aichi said.

The next day Aichi came to same park to see misaki waiting there for her."misaki-san so what do you want to show me? "aichi ask in curiosity wandering what the elder about to say. "well Aichi have you ever heard of a magic guild before? "the elder ask, aichi was confused she thought that everyone knows what a magic guild is "uh...... Yes it's a place where magic users can gather together right? Why do you ask misaki-san? "."well what if I tell you that my uncle is the founder of the guild calls Star Knight "misaki's voice raise in excitement "wa... Wait you mean the Star Knight the strongest guild in the country?! "Aichi said in disbelief. She couldn't believe  that her new friend is the niece of the founder of the strongest guild in the country "yes and I can make you a member if you want, beside your using a magic that no one know it must be really rear !".misaki ask aichi "uh.... Me but I'm not even strong I mean I'm not that special"the young girl said blushing, she was confused why the elder want her to be in the guild. "come on please....?"misaki said to her giving her the puppy eyes"fine but only because you said so"."OK then let's go"misaki said while dragging the girl's hand.

*in front of the Star Knight guild*

"wow!so big"the little girl said in disbelief of how big the guild building is. "is it ,it's okay you'll get use to it. " misaki said while dragging the younger inside the building

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