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Harry pov

I was officially pissed.

Pacing around in my apartment in my underwear (I had checked I was alone this time), I tried making heads and
tails of what had happened.

"Alright, Bob, so here is what we know," I said, glancing at Bob as he swam around in his little fish bowl.

"Zayn broke into the CIA headquarters and stole some
confidential information from us. He transferred it to a USB.

"We couldn't figure out what it was he took because of the millions and millions of files on that supercomputer and because he covered his tracks brilliantly. All we got was the slimmest trace of what kind of USB he used, which then told us it had a built-in GPS.

"Zac managed to hack into the GPS signal when it was activated, which then turned out to be something zayn
did on purpose so he'd get caught and so he could get into the CIA headquarters to get... me," I paused up and glanced at Bob. "Don't look at me like that. I know what you're thinking, but you're wrong. He's just playing a game, one that involves sleeping with me, apparently. Don't ask me why.

"Then he kidnapped me and tied me to a chair for three hours," —I ground my teeth at that— "before returning
back with what we now found out was a fake USB. He knew I'd try to steal it which means... he played me again. He let me escape. I knew it had been too easy," I growled, clenching my fist. "Fucking bastard. Alright, continuing; We now know that he must've stashed the USB somewhere else before he let himself get caught," I said, pacing back and forth again. "The question is where?"

Bob just kept swimming around his little underwater castle. Very helpful.
I sighed and sat down on the couch next to him.

"I need to know what his angle is. What does he want with me
specifically? And why the hell is he still here?" I asked, frowning. "If he's got the USB, then why hasn't he left for Spaghetti country yet? Unless... he can't get out? Maybe he's stuck here in the States!"

It could be plausible. He was one of the most wanted men in America right now, every local police station and government agency had his picture.

"If that's the case, Bob, he'll need to find someone who can fly the USB to
Italy for him. But he's not going to choose just anybody," I said, shooting to my feet. "He has to choose someone he trusts! Someone from his own turf." I had this figured out.

"Bob, you're a genius," I said, grinning widely. "This is why I keep you around!"

Bob just circled his castle again.

"Undercover? Are you sure? Won't he recognize you?"

"That's the thing; not here," I said, throwing a file down onto Howard's desk. He took the file and opened it. "The Trojan Horse is a well known club, known for its 'special' ladies. These women aren't your common prostitutes; These are bored housewives of diplomats who're looking for a little anonymous entertainment. The Trojan Horse
provides them with said anonymity so their husbands will never know. They give them masks to wear so that
nobody can see their faces and dress them up in costumes. The wives get to have their fun and the clientele gets to grope on mysterious, important women for a small fortune."

"So you want to go undercover as the wife of a diplomat in this club?" Howard questioned and closed the file

"I've done my research," I told. "The Italian Mob is known for hanging out there every Saturday. They gather to
discuss business and meet possible clients. Zayn knows he can't get the USB out of the country the legal way
anymore, so he has to go to them for help. If and when he approaches the mob, they'll meet there. Trust me."

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