(三) Alcohol-Rick Thoughts

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The cruiser glided through the black ink sky, the vast emptiness they had surrounding them was- lonely. And peaceful. But what was going on in the cruiser was far from peaceful. The 14 year old brunette wouldn't shut the fuck up.

"R-Rick they were- living creatures!" He muttered, running his fingers through his head. His finger nails dragging against his scalp. His voice cracked with anxiety and worry. "T-They were actually NICE! They didn't w-want to hurt us- well- u-until you slept with their friend. S-Seriously R-Rick?! S-Sleeping with a dinosaur? I-I thought you hated the zen h-hippie shit." Morty scowled, beginning to wave his arms around, showing more emotion with his movements than his face. His face just read shock, confusion and a sprinkle of frustration.

Rick exhaled, not even opening his mouth to speak. He dug himself this grave, it was his fault.

"H-How does sex w-with a dinosaur e-even work?! W-What did you do to the T-Rex Rick?!" Morty bitterly snapped, shooting a look towards his Grandpa.

"W-Well- Morty- if you need to know- I-I have a massive co-"

"N-No! No! I-" Morty interjected swiftly, shaking his head holding his hands infront of his face.

"My co-urpph-ck is monstrous Morty. I-I'm tellin' you- a-astronomically la-"

"N-No! I-I don't really need to know Rick! I-I want to know a-about the aftermath more than the actually- thing! O-Or really what even caused you two to you know-"

"Horizontal hula-hooping." Rick returned blandly, his eyes fixed forwards on the black layout before them.

"What." Morty dropped any form of anger and fury in his tone and switched to complete confusion.

"O-Okay look. I-I was at a bar..."

The lights glew a purple hue, making the entire room's colours shift to a purple version of themselves. Visually at least. Floating gray-ish purple chairs hovered around floating disc like tables. A blue light glowing underneath them.
These tables and chairs were scattered around the joint. Rick sat at the bar, his arms crossed against the purple wood underneath his forearms smooth and cool to the touch. Piles upon piles of glasses sat infront of him, all empty. The bar tender a green Jyur-nik species, known for their fluffy tentacles. Very odd indeed.
The creature was cleaning a glass with its two main tendrils. They were related to Qinflorpian's. Except they weren't parasites like they were. They were much more polite and docile. Very friendly and approachable.
Rick stared down at the bench underneath him, his eyes fixing on a point where the light reflected against the glossy surface. He felt drool slip out from between his lips as he blinked slowly. What had his life come to? He was at an intergalactic bar. Which by the way was much bigger than described. He was in the VIP bar area, the actual place was just smaller than Blips and Chitz. Which was impressive, considering it was literally a bar. He heard a door open and glanced over his shoulder, the entrance to the VIP area was had opened on its own? Odd. He pulled himself to his feet. Feeling the wood against his shoes.
Rick approached the door, slipping one hand into his lab coat pocket, gripping his gun tightly. He couldn't trust anyone, especially at this bar. That's why he was in the VIP area. Not only was he VIP and the wielder of a VIP (Very Important Penis); he was wanted by many people for- many reasons, including his VIP.

He glanced around, the security guards at the front were standing by, staring at the calm aura outside.

The ceiling was very tall, around 100 ft if not more. The VIP area had velvet rope cutting off entry, as well as a set of lasers to scan any entries. There was a large circle in the center of the establishment, a bar which stretched pretty bloody long which could sit around 200 creatures likely more. Other tables were littered around aswell, different creatures of all shapes and sizes sat around drinking. But someone- something caught his eye among the crowds. And you'd be a bit stupid not to have spotted the large orange T-Rex at the entrance. Fortunately the entry to the bar was quite large so that explains how they got in.  He smirked, stepping over the velvet rope, nodding to the two guards before hobbling off. His hand still clutching the gun in his pocket incase something happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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