~Settling In~

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So I think you have read the abbreviations so that you don't get confused :) just a reminder


Author's P.O.V:

y/n's father...his wife and two daughters were waiting for y/n to take her decision and suddenly they became quiet...because of the girl standing infront of them...

I'm sure... That's my final decision.., I said

(y/n's father sighed)

y/n are you sure you want to leave this house?? I mean you want to leave such a luxurious life? You don't even have a place to go... , he replied

(I looked down)

As I was standing right infront my stepmother and father thinking about what is going to happen after this decision of mine...how it will turn out to be...every kind of question was running up and down in my mind and didn't took a second for my mind to get heavy and surround it by these horrific questions only thought of this hardly made me utter the words as my voice was lost deep inside for a moment...but I did I said it I  finally said, after all I never wanted my life like this I wanted to make a new start and most importantly I wanted to do it myself I didn't wanted to just shamelessly use my father's money over everything...

T-that's r-right but I just can't stay h-here... , I replied him..being firm on my decision that I will take aback

Were the only words came out but it was the thruth I wanted to leave this house and live for a better moment...

Sometimes having keys of your own car which is from one of the expensive's list a rich and luxury house, 24/7 maids everything in your hand just before you search for it no work and I get everything...that rude rich and cold behavior, drape anything you want every footwears I walk on... till every makeup and skincare I wear everything is expensive but life could be more better than that for me...this is not the life I want for fuck's sake..

Money cannot buy happiness but it can replace and interchange the feeling of happiness with the power of it

I never asked of happiness cause I know even though I have everything I don't feel happy

People find it hard to believe...

From the day my mother left, my father got married to a different women and guess what she even had daughters

I knew my father didn't did it on purpose and not even to hurt my mother

He always said he did it for me but all it has ever done was nothing but only the thought of it kept me hurting me until I gpt to know that it was only for his business work somehow...

Calling mother to a different women whom I didn't even know

I remember every moment of my life

Happy or sad

Love was no where to be found for me

From the day my mother left me...

Now that I finally took the decision of leaving this house and to work hard to live my life to the fullest with dreams and passion in me and maybe even love and happiness would find their way onto my life

*suddenly the woman spoke*

S/M: Why dont we just let her go honey? She's just a burden now...

(he said while raising his voice in anger)

thats right.... I am just a burden now...even mom is not alive...why do I have to stay with you all...I dont want to ruin y-your f-family...just let me leave, I said with a heart

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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