||Chapter 1: The Crash||

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Wake up. A voice instructed. Mia woke up in a jolt.

What the-what was that? She panicked as she gasped for air. She was still trying to calm herself down. Woah what happened? Are you alright?! Her best friend asked. Yeah. I'm fine Lyn. J-just a nightmare. She stammered. Have you been watching horror movies again? You know that you get scared easily, right? Lyn stated. I know. I'm sorry. Mia lied. Just don't watch them again alright? Lyn said before leaving her room. Yeah...sure. Mia replied.

As the door was shut Mia was left confused. What happened? Who was talking to me? She thought to herself. It's me. The voice said. Mia was startled. She thought that it was just a morning thing so she got out of bed and washed her face. She looked in the mirror and was shocked to see that the other part of her eye changed color. It went from brown to a dark reddish color. What?! How has Lyn not noticed this?! Mia exclaimed. She grabbed an eye patch from the drawer, she always kept spare ones just in case of an emergency. I hope they don't ask about this. I look dumb in this eye patch. She said. Face it. They'll notice that you're wearing that silly eye patch of yours. The voice spat out. Who are you? Mia said to the mirror. I am a voice in your head. I will assure you, you'll never get rid of me. It said teasingly. It laughed afterwards. Mia thought that it was just a hallucination and sighed as she left her room.

Mia what happened to you?! Miles said as he ran up to her. It's nothing. I'm fine brother. I just tripped and hit my eye. Mia stated. That happened? How in the world did you manage to get a bruise or injure your eye like that? Miles asked. Eh, we'll never know brother. Mia muttered. Anyways, what do you plan on doing today? Miles inquired. I'm going to visit someone. Wanna come with me? Mia asked. Maybe not today, I'm going on a date with Lyn later. Miles answered. On a Saturday morning? Sure. Mia said. Don't judge our choices, we want to be different from the other couples out there. Miles said half joking. Fine then. I'm gonna go now. Stay safe. Have fun with Lyn~. Mia teased. Bye sis! He replied.

Mia hopped in her car and drove to a specific address. This is so weird. What's happening?! There's a voice in my head. Am I stressed again?? She thought to herself. You're a traitor Mia. It was so naive of you to think that there's really a happy ending. It's your fault that she left you. The voice said as it laughed like a maniac. Mia was shocked by what it said, causing her to let go of the wheel and crash into a tree nearby. CRASH! A sound emitted. Help! Someone said. A person nearby called for help and minutes later, police and medics came to the rescue. An hour passed by and Miles got a call. Hello? Who is this? He asked. This is from ******** hospital. Do you know a person named Mia? The person asked. Yes, she's my sister. What happened to her?! Miles exclaimed. She got into a car accident sir. The person answered. WHAT?! Miles yelled. L-luckily she's in s-stable condition sir. She- she just needs recovery. The person stuttered. She was scared for her life even though they were just talking on the phone. Miles hung up. Babe what happened?! Why are you yelling? Lyn asked. We have to go now! Miles instructed What , why?! His girlfriend said in panic. She doesn't know what's happening. Miles calm down. What's happening?! Lyn questioned. She let go of the male's hand. Mia got into an accident. Now come on! We gotta go see her!! Miles explained. He dragged Lyn into his car and drove to the hospital.

Excuse me! Do you have a patient named Mia? Miles said as he panted. What's the patient's last name? The nurse asked. ****** is her last name. Miles answered. Yes we have. She's in room 505- The nurse said but when she looked up, Miles and Lyn were gone. Weird people. She whispered to herself. Miles and Lyn ran to the room and bust open the door. Sis! Oh goodness!! We thought you were gone! Miles exclaimed. Thank goodness we didn't lose you. Lyn added. Yeah, good thing that I didn't die. Mia replied. What just happened? Did I survive a crash? How? She thought. She then looked up only to hear: Mia? Mia? What's wrong? Miles and Lyn asked. Huh? What- what were you saying? Mia said confusedly. Miles was asking when you're going to get discharged. Lyn answered. Oh, I- I don't know when. I just woke up. Mia stammered. I suppose we'll just ask then. Miles said. Speaking of ask, here comes a nurse... Lyn said. They both stare at the woman entering the room. She was the one who they talked to earlier at the reception. The nurse gave the two a weird look and headed to Mia. It looks like you're slowly recovering. You're lucky that you only crashed into a tree otherwise all your bones might be broken. The nurse said. Oh ok nurse. How long 'till I get discharged though? Mia asked. Hmm, I think you're going to stay here for another 2 days, but let the doctor say when. She answered. Alright. Thank you. Mia replied. She smiled at the nurse. Alright then. Just let us know if there are any problems, ok? Stay safe. The nurse said as she walked out of the room.

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