Chapter 3

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He went to put on the kettle. I really started to question his intentions. One second he is massaging me and the next he is being sexuall. Aaand... now he is making us tea.
What is it he wants? I walk out and look over the box lables. Looking for something that i might know were to put.
Normal things like 'kitchen supplies' and 'Cd's' were written on top of them. I found it strange that he had one box without any lable. It was pretty big and seemed heavy. I look around it, finding the smallest text written on it.
'Bedroom ;)'
I didn't understand why he would put a winky face on it. But maybe it was an old friend who joked a little with him. A voice rather close to my ear made me jump.
"You shouldn't snoop around." I nearly jumped out of my skin. Giving out a little yelp. He chuckled as he handed me a mug.
"Im sorry. I just found the opertunity to good to let it pass." I take the mug carefully. Slightly brushing over his fingers, almost causing me to shiver. "No worries. I think i would have done the same if i were you." I take a sip off the tea. Earl grey i think. He motions for his black couch and sits down. I sit down by his side and let out a sigh as the soft seat relaxes the small strain on my legs from standing. "Tv?" He asks as he turns on Netflix.

It had been nearly five hours since i came to his place. We had watched some Sherlock and then gone back to putting things in there right place. I was used to his bare chest greating me every time i turned towards him. It had become quite hot and i was concidering taking his earlier offer and take my shirt off. But knowing im in his appartment i was a little uneasy about it.
"Hey Tom. Would it be okay if i took my top off? It's really warm in here." He looked up from the drawer and smiled at me.
"Of course. Feel at home. Im not wearing one so why would i make you have yours?" His tone was sweet and caring. But his eyes were fixated on me as i held the edge of it and slowly peeled it off. This feels really wrong but right at the same time. Taking it off my head and laying it neatly on a stool nearby. I looked over to him to find him looking me over with slightly parted lips. His eyes darkening slightly again. That has to be it. Whenever he is aroused or thinks of something sexuall his eyes darken. He noticed me look at him and looked back down into the drawer. Probably to not make me feel uncomfortable. I didn't know why. But it feels like i want to tease him. See just how much controll he has over himself. I knew it was a stupid idea if not dangerous. Many males lose controll and just do what they want with the woman. But i wouldn't mind him to do anything like that. Omg! What are you thinking?! Went through my mind over and over as i supposedly lifted up a small vase. Holding it right in chest hight i ask him. "Were do you want this?" Making him lift his head. It takes him a while to notice im actually holding an object. "You can put it on the top shelf in that cabinet." I walked over and put it there. Making sure to walk a little less light thwn i normally do. Making them slightly 'jiggle' as i walk. As i turned back to him he looked down quickly. Biting his bottom lip carefully. "Are you okay? Your cheeks are a little red." I say innocently. He shruggs it of by saying something about it's just the warmth of the appartment. He really doesn't get that i know? I walk up to him. Putting my hand on his forehead.
"Your really warm. Are you sure your okay." He shivers as my hand connects to his skin. Not sure why though. "Im alright. Don't worry so." I let my hand go down his neck and arm. "Just sit down and rest for a while, just in case." He shivers again before sitting down on the couch. I keep organicing. Giving up slightly on the seducting thing. I notice after a while that all things seem to be in low drawers, causing me to bend down right infront of him. Or high up, so i have to stretch out. Showing all of my chest. He has to be doing this consiously. I look over to him. Catching him practically staring at my butt. "Are you gonna keep on staring or are you gonna get up?" I wassn't sure why i said get up. Or for that part if it was to make him help me or make a sexaull hint. However he stand up slowly. Walking over he brings out the box that says 'Bedroom ;)'. "Let's continue then."

I wonder were this will go.

~Sorry for the short chapter and the teasing. I try to write and put out atleast one chapter a week. Hope you enjoy it so far.~

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